Chapter 7

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The Grim

It had been Two weeks since Seamus had came into the Great Hall announcing about how Sirius Black was sighted and nothing else has been said

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It had been Two weeks since Seamus had came into the Great Hall announcing about how Sirius Black was sighted and nothing else has been said.

Fred,George,Lee,and Athena were currently in Divination. "Welcome my children! Hello I am Professor Trelawney. Together,we shall cast ourselves into the future. But know this. One either has the gift or not. It cannot be divined from pages of a book. Books only cloud one's inner eye." She said smiling at the whole class. She then continued. "The first term will be devoted to revising the reading of tea leaves. Please take the cup of the person sitting oposite of you. Well then. Shall we?" Professor Trelawney said. Athena passed her cup to Fred and he passed his cup to her.  "Your tea leaves look like a weird animal thingy?" Fred questioned. "Let me see the cup dear." Trelawney said. She took it and looked at it then screamed. "My dear you have the Grim." She told Athena.  "The Omen of death?" Athena questioned.  "It takes form of a giant spectral dog, it is among one of the darkest omens in our world. It's an Omen of death." She said. "This can't be. I've already seen it twice. Once with you and with another student." Trelawney said. "Who was the other student?" Athena asked. "It was Harry Potter." She answered. Athena froze and started to think how it added up to her dad's escape. He was getting closer. "Class dismissed!" Professor Trelawney said.

Athena Grabbed her stuff and headed to the library. She had to catch up on her Arithmancy homework and her ancient Runes Homework. She sat down by the window and got her work out and started to do it. "Hey Thena." She heard someone say. "Hey Ced." She replied looking up at him and giving him a smile. "What are you doing?" He asked her.  "I'm just doing my homework for Arithmancy and Ancient Runes." She replied going back to her work.  He sat next to her and took out his homework.  "What are you working on?" She asked him still writing. "I'm working on Astronomy. Can you help me please you've always been good at Astronomy." He said. "Sure let me just finish writing this." She told him. "Okay I'm done what is it you need help with?" She asked him. "I have to write an essay about Jupiter's moon." He told her.  "Okay so you just have to write facts such as Europa being covered by ice and Io having many volcanoes." She told him. "Okay thanks." He said. "Do you have chocolate?" He asked her. "Of course I have chocolate. Have you met my father?" She said in a playful manner. She passed him a chocolate bar and they continued to finish their homework. When Athena finished she took out her sketch book and started to draw.  She decided to draw the whomping willow.

She knew the tree was planted there for her father's transformations

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She knew the tree was planted there for her father's transformations. "That's really nice." She heard Cedric say. "Thank you." She responded. "Well it's getting late and we have a have a Hogsmeade trip tomorrow. Come on get up." He told her. "Can you give me a piggyback ride please?" She asked him. "Okay hop on." He said crouching down so she could get on. "Bye madam Pince." She waved by to the librarian. Once they left the library she exclaimed "onward my noble steed!" Cedric ran down the corridors until he ended up at the entrance of the Gryffindor common room. She jumped off his back and stood in front of the portrait. "Thanks Ced. I'll see you tomorrow." She said giving him a kiss on the cheek. He waved goodbye and started walking to the Hufflepuff common room. "Is that you're boyfriend Athena?" Elizabeth asked. "No he's just my best friend Elizabeth." She told the painting.  "Fortuna Major." Athena said and Elizabeth opened the entrance of the common room.

As Athena entered she saw Fred, George and Lee on the couches. "Hello lads." She greeted as she sat down next to Fred. "Hey Thena. Where were you?" George asked.  "I was in the library with Cedric." She replied. "She's always with Cedric." Fred muttered under his breath. "What was that Fred?" She asked him. "Oh it was nothing." He answered. "Are you guys excited for Hogsmeade tomorrow?" She asked them. "Yeah. We have to go to Zonko's and The Three broomsticks." Fred and George said. "Can we also go to Honeydukes. I need to get some more Chocolate for me and Papa." She said. "Of course love." Fred said wrapping his arm around her. She laid her head on his shoulder and he started to play with her hair. "I'm tired I'm going to bed. Goodnight Freddie, Georgie, Lee." She said giving them all a kiss on the cheek and going upstairs.

Once she was upstairs George turned to look at his brother and saw his face was as red as his hair. "Aww is ickle freddikins excited he got a kiss from her." George and Lee teased. "Shut it both of you." Fred said throwing a pillow at them.
I finally updated but I kinda hated this :(

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