Chapter 8

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Athena had gotten ready for Hogsmeade

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Athena had gotten ready for Hogsmeade. When she finished getting ready she went downstairs and waited for Fred, George,and Lee. They finally came down and they went down to the carriages. Cedric met them there and stood next to Athena. Everyone was handing McGonagall their permission slips. Athena saw Harry talking to McGonagall. She decided to go up to Harry and McGonagall. "Hey Harry, Minnie." She said. "Hello Miss Lupin-Black. I was just telling Mister Potter that if a parent or a guardian doesn't sign the slip they can not go." She told Athena. "I'm surprised my papa let me go with my dad going around.  Can my papa sign it for him?"  Athena asked McGonagall. "I'm sorry Miss Lupin-Black but he cannot now I think Mister Diggory is waiting for you." She told her. "Ok. Well sorry Harry. I'll bring you something if you'd like." She told. "It's ok Thena thanks though." He told her. "No problem. Bye Minnie see you in a little." She left McGonagall and Harry and went up to Cedric. "You didn't have to wait for me." She told Cedric. "It's ok I wanted to now shall we m'lady." Cedric said taking his arm out for her to take. "We shall." She said taking his arm. They got on the carriage and started talking.

Once they got to Hogsmeade they met up with Fred,George,and Lee. "Okay where to first?" Cedric asked. "Honey dukes please." Athena said. "Okay love. Let's go." Both Fred and Cedric said offering their arms. Athena looked at both of them and rolled her eyes and walked ahead of them. Lee and George both laughed at them and caught up with Athena.

They entered the Candy shop and Athena went to the chocolate section. She got some Chocolate frogs and she also got some Cauldron Cakes for Harry. She also decided to get some Sugar Quills. As she went up to pay she saw Cedric was in line too. "Here I'll pay for your stuff." He told her. "No Cedric. It's ok you don't have to. Oh look you already did." She said as she saw him place the galleons on the counter. "Thank you Cedric even though you didn't have to." She said giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Where's Freddie, Georgie, and Lee?" She asked. They're outside." He answered. "Oh well come on we still have to go to Zonkos." She said grabbing his hand.

They met the others outside and headed to Zonkos. Athena,Fred,and George purchased more Dungbombs and nose-biting tea cups. When they finished getting what they wanted Butterbeer so they headed to the Three Broomsticks. "I'll get the Butterbeers." Athena said as she went up to Madam Rosmerta. "What was that whole okay love let's go about?" George and Lee both teased Cedric and Fred. "It was nothing." Fred and Cedric said at the same time. "Stop talking at the same time as me." They said again. "How about both of you shut of because Little Athena is coming back." Lee said. "You do realize I'm older than you all except Cedric." Athena said. "Yes but your still ickle Athena." Fred teased pinching her cheeks. She swatted his hands away. "Whatever." She said. They all drank their Butterbeers and were planning to do a prank on Snape.

Once they finished their Butterbeers it was time to go back to Hogwarts. They all got in the same carriage this time and Cedric,Fred,and Athena all sat on one side while George and Lee sat on the other. Thena had her head on Cedric's shoulder. The carriage finally arrived to Hogwarts and they all got off. Cedric went to the Hufflepuff common room while the others went to the Gryffindor one but there was a large crowd blocking the passage. Athena saw Ginny so she decided to go up to her and ask what was wrong. "The Fat lady is missing." Ginny told her.  Athena gasped in shock and she went back to the twins and Lee and told them what was happening. 

"Let me through,please. Excuse me, thank you I'm Head boy. Get back all of you. No one is to enter this dormitory until it is fully searched!" Athena heard Percy's voice.  "I thought Neville forgot the password." Ron said.  Athena whacked him behind the head. "Don't be rude Ronald people forget things sometimes so leave Nev alone." She said. "Sorry Thena." Ron said rubbing his head. "Thanks Thena." Neville said as he held her hand tightly. "You're welcome Nev." she said.  "Oh Harry here I thought you might like some Cauldron cakes." Athena said handing them to Harry. "Thanks Athena." He said.

Suddenly Dumbledore came and pushed through the crowed. And that's when Athena saw the painting had been slashed.  "Mr. Filch round up the ghost. Tell them to search every painting in the castle for the fat lady." Dumbledore instructed.  Filch nodded and as he turned around he saw that there was no need for the ghost. "No need for the ghost, Professor." He said pointing to the painting where Elizabeth was hiding behind a Hippopotamus.  Everyone sprinted to the painting and Percy yelled for everyone to calm down.  "Dear Lady who did this to you?" Dumbledore asked Elizabeth as she peeked her head out from behind the Hippo. "Eyes like the Devil he's got. And a soul as dark as his name. It was him, Headmaster. The one they talk about. He's here somewhere in the castle. Sirius Black." She said. Athena froze and her heart dropped to her stomach. Her father was here and he was going to go after her and Harry.  "Secure the castle, Mr. Filch. The rest of you to the Great Hall.  Athena knew that she had to grab her stuff but she just stood there frozen in her spot.

"Thena." Fred said as he shook her. "Come on we have to go." He told her. "O-ok." She said finally moving and entering the common room to grab her stuff. "Fred I-I'm going to talk to my dad ok I'll be back." She said heading to Remus's office.

She knocked on his door. "Papa, papa. Please open the d-door." She said as she started to have a panic attack.  Remus opened the door and saw his daughter pale and breathing heavily. "Athena I need you to take deep breath's okay." He told her as he led her into his office. She just nodded her head but she was still breathing heavily. "Okay Um I want you to tell me 5 things you see." He told her. "I-I see a d-desk, b-books, a-a quill, t-the f-floor,a-and y-your eyes ." She stuttered out. "Good now tell me 4 things you can feel." He said. "M-my sweater, m-my s-shoes, y-your hand and m-my hair." She said. "Now three things you can hear." He told her.  "T-the c-clock, t-the wind, and y-your voice." She responded. "Ok now two things you can smell." "W-wolfs bane potion and leather." She said. "And one mor thing what Can you taste?" He asked. "The B-butterbeer I had n-not to l-long ago." She said.  Athena's breathing finally turned normal and she hugged her father really tight. "Good job darling you did good okay." He told her running his hands through her hair. "H-he was here." She said. "I know darling. I won't let him get to you I promise ok." He told her. "Ok." She said he gave her a kiss on the forehead and he walked her to the Great Hall.

She entered and Cedric immediately went up to her and hugged her. "Are you okay love?" He asked her. "Yeah I'm okay know papa helped me." She said. "Can you sleep next to me please?" She asked him. "Of course come on it's getting late." He said as they found a spot in the corner. They laid down by each other and were looking at the stars and Milky Way that the Great Hall was enchanted to look like.

"Do you think he'll come for me and Harry?" She asked in a quiet voice. "Not on my watch okay I am not leaving you." He told her. "Now get some rest alright love." He said. She nodded her head and snuggled into his side. He gave her a kiss on the forehead and also drifted off to sleep. And that night Athena had no nightmares.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter <3

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