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Katsuki's smile faded slowly until it was gone, and when it was, he slid to the floor, back against the stall wall. His teacher rushed to him, kneeling next to him.

"Mr. Aizawa?"

"Yeah? Are you hurt?"

"Nah, but do I still have to fuckin' finish classes?" The coffee addict gave a rare chuckle and Katsuki felt warm.

"You can either grab your bag and head back to the dorms, or you can sit in the class" Katsuki nodded and stood, using the wall for support as his knees shook. He wiped his face with his shirt, ruffling his hair with a sleeve to dry it. His teacher offered a hand to help him and he took it. In fact, he liked the touch of a kind person. Enjoying it while no one was around to witness how weak he was. Aizawa helped him until the classroom was in sight, when Katsuki let go, he felt empty and alone. He wanted to feel safe. He felt safe with his teacher. He wanted to go back to his teacher's safe embrace.

"So?" His teacher asked.

"I want to stay in class" He murmured.

"Alright then, you can use my sleeping bag if you want to sleep" Katsuki nodded, trying to hide a smile. Aizawa patted his head before walking into the class, Katsuki waited until he could throw a scowl on his face before entering. As soon as he did, though, every head turned to him.

"FUCK YOU LOOKIN' AT?" Most turned away. Aizawa motioned to behind his desk where the bag was laid out. Katsuki deepened his frown to hide the want, the need, to smile at such genuine kindness. He was so lucky. With slight awkwardness, he managed to walk over and slip into the bag. All the while his teacher talked, a lesson already drawing attention away from him. Katsuki smiled, snuggled in his teacher's yellow bag. It smelled like coffee. With hints of hazelnut that made his head spin. It smelled good. It made him feel safe. He idly to the lesson, not really listening to the words but the voice. His teacher made him feel safe. Always had. He wondered what Aizawa's cats were like, would they like him? Did his teacher only live with the cats? Why did he want Katsuki in his house?

The bell rang and he snapped out of his head. Questions disappearing. Aizawa dismissed the class for lunch and Katsuki didn't move. It was warm and safe and he wasn't going to give that up for food. He could go without it, easily.

"Are you sleeping?"



Katsuki just shook his head. "You're not going to tell anyone are you? I don't- I don't need help I'm not weak" He knew he was weak, and his mother knew too.

You're one of my strongest students. You're not weak. Here"

Katsuki didn't notice how Aizawa dodged the question and took the tangerine that was offered. He carefully peeled it, not wanting to make a mess on his teacher's sleeping bag

"Do you live alone?" He asked before popping a slice into his mouth.

Aizawa shook his head, "Mostly"

"Mostly? Fuck's that mean?"

"Well, I've got a friend that occasionally stays over"

"Boyfriend, girlfriend, or enbyfriend?" Katsuki smirked as his teacher's eyes widened.


"The hell? Do I know them?"

When his teacher nodded, it hit Katsuki. "IT'S FUCKING MIC ISN'T IT?"

"Shhh! Don't yell it out!" His teacher's usually emotionless face was tinted red. Barely, but Katsuki had spent enough time watching it during lessons to know.

Katsuki's smirk turned into a laugh. Just as he did, though, the door opened.


Katsuki's head shot to the door as if he'd been shocked. He sat there, frozen until Aizawa saved him

"Midoriya, aren't you supposed to be at lunch?" The nervous green-headed boy stuttered out something about forgetting his lunch money. Katsuki scoffed.

"Stupid Deku" He muttered loud enough for the greenette to hear, only to realize what he'd said and quickly shoved a slice of orange in his mouth, leaning to throw the peels in the trash to hide an apologetic bow. His teacher noticed and nodded. That warm feeling returned. He kept his eyes on the annoying deku as the boy rushed around, grabbing his money and scampering back out. When the door closed, Katsuki let out a sigh.

"You don't really hate him, do you?" His teacher questioned.

Katsuki shook his head, "How would you expect your childhood bully to behave?"

"Understandable, but if you slowly act better towards him, he won't even notice."

"Mmhm. He's still annoying though" When he said that, his teacher sighed.

Word Count: 739

(yes i'm aware of how odd their relationship is)

((Grammar and Spelling fixed))

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