From Underneath the Clouds

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I lay above a stark night
Looking over the electric clouds
A city of light floated across
The sea of cotton I swam around

And as I paddle harder
I notice the stars slipping
My beating heart thumping faster
Breaths heavy and sipping

From fears my thoughts keep bottled
Until the bright colours begin to crawl
From within the arms that coddle
The sun and the sea; just a big ball

Of love and life, and beings and trees
The city of light shines brighter
As I dip my fingers in its peace
And allow it to hug me tighter

With each step I take forward
Into a day that welcomes me
A celebration for the hard earned home With a ground underneath my feet

One that allows my hands
To let go of the starry skies
And create a life that stands
Beautiful, even within the foggy light.

- Rati

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