Chapter 4 - Good Morning To You Too

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"Maddie?" Camila knocked on her daughters door. It was almost 10pm when they finished snacking and watching a few episodes of young and hungry. Dinah had jumped in the shower.

A small voice was heard from the other side of the door "come in..."

Camila opened the door and leaned against the door frame. "What's up mom?"

Camila chuckled seeing maddie laying under her pillows only her head popped out. "I just wanted to know how your day was at 'work'?"

Maddie huffed out "boring. It was fun getting food"

Camila nodded and frowned slightly "h-how did you get back home? I mean from the taco shop with dinah?"

"Lauren dropped us off" maddie said using the womans first name making camila raise an eyebrow, but it was dark so her daughter didn't see it "when we got here she walked me up to the doors. Dinah answered and I was still hungry so I basically dragged her out of the house before lauren could walk away. She insisted that she drove us there and... yeah" maddie nodded.

Camila smiled imagining the situation, her daughter would do that "okay. Before I forget here is some money I want you to give Miss Jauregui for the food she got you and the dry cleaners, okay?" Camila walked closer dropping the money on maddie's desk before heading out the door. "Don't loose it, good night maddie"

"Night" maddie sighed watching as her mother closed the door.

*trigger warning *

Maddie sat up letting out a shaky breath, if her mother would have came in without knocking she would have seen everything. "Ohh..." maddie whispered looking down at her bloody wrist. Some deep gashes and some where not. Blood dripped down onto her bed.

"Maddie! Do you have my charger?" She heard her aunt yell through the door.

Maddie grabbed what she thinks in her blankets and covered her arms and the razor. "N-no! You left it in the kitchen, dinah!" Maddie stuttered back.

"Okay thanks!"

Maddie sighed getting up, with the light coming from under her door she walked over to her dirty laundry and whipped her wrist cleaning up the blood. She whipped the razor and put it back in her hiding spot, the one place no one here looked. And that was behind her blanket curtain on her window.

"Band-aids" maddie mumbled pressing her shirt to her wounds and walking over to her back pack. "Come on.." maddie looked through her bag, she swore she saw some yesterday. When she pulled out two big bandages she smiled to herself. She quickly discarded the shirt back into her dirty laundry, at the bottom, before she put on her bandages.

She rolled her sleeves form her shirt down and it helped cover the wounds and bandages up. She mostly wore long sleeve or sweatshirts most of the time. It made it a plus that they lived in a windy city no matter what season it was. "I'm sorry" maddie said glancing at her door watching at the lights flicker of from her mothers and aunts room just down the hall.

Sweatpants and Jean's was all she wore either at home or at school. Even in gym class she wore sweatpants, not wanting people to see her scares on the thighs.

*End of trigger*

"What's shaken bacon?" Kyle said as she closed maddie's locker. Maddie rolled her eyes and opened it again, good thing she had jammed it so she wouldn't have to put her code in everytime. No one cared to steal anything at school, it was all books and paper anyways.

"Ohh... a lot is shaken" maddie mummbled.

"So... the day before yesterday-" kyle started but was cut of by maddie.

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