Chaper 24 - Resume Your Words

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***trigger warning***

When camila heard her own daughter say a hello to ally she barged into the room startlingly the three girls "you-you-" camila couldn't find any words.

Her eyes swelling up with tears threatening to fall from her eyes. Pointing at maddie like she was guilty. "Ally what's-..." the girl tried to ask but the short woman over the phone told her.

Maddie dropped the phone from her hands that instant, it fell to the ground. Lauren walked in seconds after and quickly tried to grab Camila's arm but she wouldn't let it happen "camz-"

"You- you wrote that?" Camila said in a small whisper. Bitting her lip she suppressed a sob before speaking again in the small whisper "i-i can't..."

"Mami..." maddie's face fell.

Camila cupped her mouth with one hand. Taking in a shakey breath she held her other one out "please...?" She asked.

The three girls looked at each other. Lauren shook her head at her own daughter so she could stay out of this. Maddie bit her lip holding her arms out. She was wearing a long sleeve shirt, over sized.

Camila walked over to maddie, taking hold of her daughters hand she moved the sleeve back revealing what was underneath. Camila's tears slipped through her eyes, her hand coming her mouth quickly moved the the cuts on the arm and ran a finger over it. "My baby..." she whispered with a sob to herself.

Maddie looked away to her floor feeling tears threatening to fall of she even took a look at her own mother at this moment.

Lauren looked past then at the two girls behind them. Nudging her head to the door, Lauren's daughter and maddie's bestfriend stood up quietly and made there way out the door to sit in the livingroom.

"Camz..." lauren whispered ever so softly. Her eyes filling with tears. Everyone who had been in the room or is in the room has tears in there eyes. This was a very emotional and revealing moment for camila and her daughter.

"Maddison... please tell me that these aren't-"

"There not" maddie said, her voice cracking a little. Taking in a shaking breath she sighed "I haven't in a while. But there isn't one day that goes by that I don't think about doing it again"

Pulling her hands away from her mother, the little girl smiled softly "music helps me cope" she shrugged.

Camila's lips let a sob pass her lips. Quickly, she whipped her tears away and took a deep and shaky breath "did you- when you and i-?" She couldn't finish the sentence.

Maddie glanced at Lauren quickly before nodding slowly "...yeah" her voice breaking.

Camila looked back at Lauren with a frown "did you k-know?"

Lauren looked away but found Camila's eyes "camz-"

"Did you?!" She asked turning around now facing her girlfriend.

Lauren nodded biting her lip. Camila came up to lauren, her hand coming up to slap the older woman but lauren grabbed a hold of her hand before it hit her face "I didn't think kyle actually meant it!" Lauren spoke.

"Kyle?" Both the cabello's spoke confused. Camila pulled her hand out of Lauren's grasp.

"Camz don't be mad at me. I didn't know she was actually doing this to herself until now. I didn't get it" lauren shrugged grabbing Camila's hand softly but it was pulled away again making the business woman sigh.

Camila turned back to her daughter "please... don't hurt yourself again" she spoke. Tears falling from her eyes she whispered "I can't lose you"

Breaking down in sobs, Camila's daughters quickly found herself in Camila's arms. Wrapped in a tight hug she cried into her shoulder. Lauren watched from behind with tears streaming down her cheeks from her eyes. "I'm trying, mami" the girl whispered between her sobs.

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