Chapter 11 - Tomorrow, 6:30

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Sunday morning rolled around and camila, dinah and shawn stood inside the airport waiting for maddie to show up. Shawn hasn't seen the girls since Thanksgiving and he hand some questions for his friend.

"Who texted who first?"

"She did" dinah and camila answered at the same time.


"Long story short, maddie got in trouble with hot Jauregui" dinah chuckled seeing camila glare at her.

"Ohhh" shawn nodded "so you like her? Cause that's what I've been sencing since Thursday. Especially after the glares she sent me, ooooo girl I thought I was melting" he fanned himself.

Camila turned red as she sunk into her jacket as much as possible. "I don't like her. We're just friends"

"Friends don't flirt, mila. We don't judge around here. If we did you think shawn would be here?" Dinah pointed to the tall scrawny man who pointed at himself too.

Camila bit the inside if her cheeks. Her thoughts flooding to every possible moment with lauren, alone or even if someone was with them. She didn't notice how long she was spaced out for until she came back and noticed both of her friends looking at her with a frown.

"Is it that hard to choose? She's hot" shawn shrugged when dinah looked at him weird.

Camila was hesitant at first "i- I think I do? I don't know, I get butterflies when I see her anywhere. When I hear her voice. God when she smiles. The small gesture she's done the past months. When she called to check if maddie's doing okay almost everyday, that's the best one. I-it makes me feel warm inside.the first day I saw her playing video games with maddie in her office.... it- i-" camila sighed.

"Yeah no" dinah shook her head.

"What?" Camila frowned

"Your in love, mom" the voice of her daughters made them all jump. She stood behind the two tallest of there group. Shawn and dinah jumped to different side and looked down at the girl who gave a small sad smile.

"Maddie" camila smiled excitedly and pulled her into a hug. "Hey, baby"

"She needs to stop doing that!" Shawn held his heart taking a deep breath.

"Sup uncle shawn" maddie waved as she was still in a hug with her mother "aunt dinah"

"Sup chicken shack. I've missed you, you little asshole" dinah chuckled going into the hug. She pulled shawn over and they made all hugged each other.

It took a little longer than intended, maddie cleared her throat "you guys done? This is...getting awkward"

"Sorry" Shawn and dinah said but camila stayed stuck to her daughter

"Mom" no response "mom!"

"Sorry baby but you were gone for so long. I missed you so much, I love you" camila sighed separating with a huge smile.

"Love you too." Maddie gave a lopsided smile and stepped back shoving her hands into her pockets of her hoodie "you love her, mom"

"What?" Camila asked confused.

"You love lauren" maddie let out with a sigh "i-i tried to deny it as I was in Miami but I knew-...the way you smile when she calls, or she texts, the way you look at her when you saw her at the front door of our apartment."

Dinah and shawn glanced at each other. It was new, to them too.

"I didn't want to accept the fact that you cared for her. I didn't want to accept that it would just be you and me-"

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