Chapter 23 - But Sleep Overs Are When The Good Stuff Happens

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Saturday afternoon rolled around. Dinah a little thing over from drinking, ally and normani where fin since they still had to work the next day.

Camila and lauren stayed at the apartment. Camila drove them there and they crashed the night.

"Mama cabello, what's good? Haven't seen you in days" kyle exaggerated walking into the apartment, maddie right behind her.

Camila popped her head out of the livingroom and rolled her eyes at the girl with a smile "I saw you like two days ago, kyle. You guys wanna watch a movie with us?"

"Is dinah picking? Cause i don't want to watch another DC movie. I like DC but she watches it all the time" maddie groaned walking into the livingroom. She stopped seeing lauren sitting on the couch, her hand wrapped and ice onto of it. "What did you do?"

"Ohhh" Kyle mumbled seeing the hand as she poked over maddie's shoulder. "Is it broken?"

"Its not broken. She can move her hand- last night Lauren-"

"Camila don't" lauren sent her a warning look but camila didn't even see it.

"She punched a guy in the face." Camila sighed before walking over and taking a seat next to her girlfriend.

"Camila" lauren muttered with a look.

Maddie nodded and then pointed at lauren "so you got into a fight?"


"Punching is the same thing" kyle cut her off with a shrugg. Lauren narrowed her eyes at the two.

"You were the one that told me you don't like when people fight. More specifically to walk away and ignore what they say about you or about the people you love... so uhm- mind telling me why you punched this someone?" Maddie raised an eyebrow.

"But you are under age, maddie. You could have ended up in the hospital again" lauren gave her a worried look.

"I'm fine. I can deal with it now I dealt with it in the past-" kyle nudged her friends shoulder giving her a look. Maddie eyes doubled before she mumbled "shit"

"You got into another fight?!" Camila stood up and made her way to maddie. The girl backed but but bumped into her friend making her stop.

"What? No" she said to quickly for Camila's liking.

"Hey maddie... since when do you were make up? Found this in the bathroom when I was throwing away the shampoo bottle" dinah sighed walking into the livingroom holding up a container of foundation. She waved it in the air with a raised eyebrow. The polynesian has wet hair and looked refreshed after her shower.

Camila's jaw tightened. In one quick motion she used her hand and whioed of maddie's cheek, a purple spot on her face showed very lightly making her huff through her nose.

"Hey!" Maddie moved her head and pushed her mothers hand away, but it was too late

"You got into a fight again?!" Camila said loudly. Her face frowning.

Kyle gasped "whoa... you didn't tell me this?" She acted suprise trying to lighten the mood.

"You probably covered it up, kyle, don't act suprise" lauren rolled her eyes at the girl.

"I was trying to lighten the mood, Jauregui" kyle narrowed her eyes at the woman. "Look it's not her fault. The stupid guy came up to her and started it- she didn't get lucky in this one though..." kyle pointed at her bestfriends face with a shy smile.

Camila closed her eyes and took a deep breath in and deep breath out "at least you didn't start it. Did he get in trouble? He should for what he did" she muttered the last part.

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