Chapter 26 - I'll call you later

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"God, I'm gonna kill those girls!" Camila huffed getting stuck behind a red light for what seemed like the hundredth time two minutes into their drive.

"Hey camz, no" Lauren's voice rang through the phone that dinah held in her hand.

Dinah puckered her lips looking at the red light. She was waiting for it to turn green but at the same time she wanted to hear what lauren was gonna say.

"I get to kill my daughter. You get to kill yours and kyle will get dinah" a huff came from lauren.

Dinah nodded knowing this was true. "Green" she said pointing at the light. "Lauren where are you?"

"30 minutes a head of you"

"The girls shouldn't be far ahead. If they left 10-15 minutes earlier than us" dinah said scratching her head. "Lauren your closer to them"

"The stadium is still another hour away from her, dinah. If she doesn't get there by the time the girls do, they will be inside the place." Sofia spoke trying to text her niece.

"Sofia?" Chris called over the phone. Lauren had taken chris with her, in the sudden rush he was out the door behind his sister.

"Chris?" Dinah said confused. "You took your brother?"

"On the contrary, he jumped in the car before I could speed off." Lauren spoke glaring at her brother.

"Sorry... I still don't get why you guys are rushing over to the stadium. Isn't this a good thing? They are gonna meet kehlani which is fantastic. Why though?" Chris asked confused.

Camila sighed out loud "kyle and maddie released a song a few weeks ago. Kehlani tracked them down and dm'ed them to come and visit today. We told them it was laye notice but they didn't listen and snuck out. Which leaves us to now, when I find her I'm gonna kill her"

"Metaphorically speaking" dinah added.

"Lauren can I just- can you call me when you get there? I don't want to end up in a car crash" camila huffed switching lanes.

"Sure, I'll call you when I get there. Drive safe, I love you" lauren spoke softly.

"Love you too, lo" camila relaxed a little hearing her partner worry about her.

"I had no idea Madison could drive" dinah spoke after hanging up the phone.

"No? She took me to a diner last time we saw each other. And then she was talking about going to the track this weekend." Sofia frowned at her sisters bestfriend.

Dinah then spoke "oh yeah, she drives"

"Why can't maddie just be a normal teenager and stay at home, in her room without leaving?" Camila groaned seeing the time on the car. 6:57pm.

"You dragged her out when she started to do that" dinah filled her eyes.


"Your mom's are gonna kill us." Kyle huffed getting out of the car. Maddie and Madison followed.

Walking to the front of the stadium where a few security people stood, madison spoke "I'm getting my ass whooped but for kehlani, it's so worth it."

"Why can't my mom be more calm about everything I do. I just wanna meet my Idol and I wanna peruse my dreams. Sometimes I feel like she's holding me back" maddie huffed zipping up her jacket.

"She isn't, maddie. This- what we are doing... not gonna lie, it's pretty intense for a teenager. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be here" kyle sighed "you just want to know what it feels like to be known, you wanna know what it's like to stand in front of thousands of people" she finished as they came to a stop in front of a man in a security jacket.

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