Chapter 17 - Scotch or Whiskey?

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" that's how we got together" camila finished telling her parents and sofia how lauren and her got together.

" maddie got in trouble? Twice? What was the second time?" Sofia leaned forwards on the chair of the dinning room.

Camila picked at her nails "that's a ... complicated situation. I don't think-"

"You don6t need to tell us, mija" sinuh grabbed Camila hand to calm her down.

"MOM!!" Maddie's voice boomed through the house "where are you?!!" She yelled from upstairs as she left one of the guest bed rooms... more like Camila old bedroom her and her mother was staying in for the two weeks.

"Down here, baby!" Camila said waiting for her daughter to come in.

"Oh! There you are" maddie smiled confused seeing the room light dimmed a bit and the four of them with folded hands on the table "this looks like a mafia Conference room"

Camila rolled her eyes playfully "what is it, baby?"

"Oh um bow-tie called you like fifteen minutes ago. I answered, she wanted to ask about the flight and stuff. Told her it was okay and then we just talked. Dinah was with me too so... but I ran out of things to talk about" maddie walked over to her mother shrugging her shoulders, she gave her the phone which she widen her eyes seeing lauren on face time. "Sofi can I show you something?"

"In a minute, munchkin" sofia smiled softly at her before she disappeared.

"Hey camz!" Lauren's voice was heard through the phone making the other three heads turn to her "how are you? You okay?"

Camila smiled glancing at her parents briefly "yeah, I'm okay, lo. Thank you for asking..." they stared at each other for a moment "hey lo-"

"Oh! Wait camz before I forget I made an appointment for you and dinah to take your driver's license the day after you get back. And maddie is already taking her driver's ED class." Lauren said interrupting her girlfriend quickly, she took a swig of her alcohol she held in her hand and set the phone down leaning it against her laptop in her office "madison asked me to take maddie down to the race track when you get back... I sorta already told her yes? But before you get angry at me they were wondering if you wanted to come? We can take your car and maddie's up there. I'll just need helmets-"


"-and gloves-"

"Lauren!" Camila said loudly making lauren stop listing things she needed. Alejandro, sofia and sinuh all raised their eyebrows at camila.

"Sorry, camz... I should have asked you first but dinah, maddie and Madison pushed me to take them and I could say no to those kids-" lauren was cut off again by her girlfriend.

"Lauren." Camila called a giggle slipping through her lips "m'not mad... sort off. But uhm..."

Lauren's furrowed her brows and watched her girlfriend patiently "what?"

"I parents are sitting in the same room as me" camila giggled when Lauren almost spit out her drink.

"Shit" lauren mumbled whipping the few drops that spilled from her mouth "camz you should have told me"

"I tried but you kept talking" camila chuckled "do you...wanna meet them?"

"Like right now? Over face time?"

"I guess" camila smiled looking up at her parents who nodded. "Yeah"

"Oh hum, yeah sure" lauren cleared her throat waiting.

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