Sweet Tea

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Hey my loves, sorry for the wait for this chapter, I didn't really realize people were kinda liking this. Read, comment, vote, and comment again because I know y'all don't listen to the first time. Kisses, Keiana!

Also, this story will kind of have a lot of text messages, so if it's hard to understand, let me know!

2. Sweet Tea

Fallon Williams

Lick it good suck this pusssy,

just like you should

Right now, Lick it good

Suck this pusssy just like you should

My neck, my back

Lick my pusssy and my crack.

"Hello?" I answered my ringing phone after having to roll around the bed and find it.

"Hey did I just wake you up?" Duh.

"Umm." I pulled the phone away from my ear and looked at the time. 3:50 PM.

Jesus Christ, I missed my English class.

"Oh shit, um I'm awake."

"Okay good. I just pulled up."

Just pulled up? I looked at the caller ID and almost threw up in my mouth. It was Daniel.

He didn't make me sick or anything, I just really didn't wanna go out right now. I knew I'd agreed to lunch with him though, and I couldn't back out now.

"Okay. You can come up, I gotta get ready."

"Bet." I hung up the call and threw my phone on the bed. Wow. I'd really slept my day away.

That's how bomb the dick was.

I couldn't believe last night. I remembered everything, even though some memories were kind of foggy, but I remembered everything that happened between August and I.

I never knew sex could feel that good, like I couldn't even describe what my body was experiencing last night and this morning.

I could describe what my body felt like now though. Like hell.

Every time I had to move my legs and thighs, they ached and protested. I wanted it though, so I couldn't complain, and I definitely got it.

I got out of the bed slowly, noticing the new sheets I was laying on. Aw, he changed my sheets for me. I grabbed my phone and slowly walked out of the room and into my bathroom.

I stared at myself in the mirror as I turned on the cold water pipe.

There were hickies all over my neck, and as I lifted my hair off of my neck, I just kept finding new ones.

"Wowww." I sighed.

My skin was kind of a brownish red, so I never really expected to be able to get hickies, but August had managed.

It could've only been him. There was just something about him. I don't know if it was the power in his presence, but I just couldn't get him out of my mind, not since I'd laid eyes on him last night.

I washed my face with the cold water to wake me up and brushed my tweet before turning on the shower. I needed to wash off everything from last night.

While I waited for the water to heat up I went back to my room and went to my closet to find something to wear.

I called Nadia while I was going through my jean options.

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