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This chapter is short, sorry babies, I just wanted to put something out for you guys.

Please, please, please, if you vote, leave a comment as well, just telling me what you guys like, and if you guys would read a book of just random stories with different celebrities, cause I have so many different ideas that pop in my head, but then I lose them cause it's not a full story, but I think I'm gonna do that, so comment and let me know if you guys would read, and suggest some people!

- Keiana


August Alsina

I felt Fallon wrap around me tighter as she slept, but I really needed her to let go. A nigga needed to piss so bad.

"Fallon baby, let me go for a sec." I whispered to her, but she obviously ain't hear me, cause she didn't move a muscle.

I pulled away from her after struggling not to wake her up and went to my bathroom to take a leak.

It was cool having her here with me, we didn't argue and shit, she had a good heart, and I could just tell she had a lot of love for a nigga, and that felt good, knowing it was genuine, ya know?

She hadn't asked me for anything yet, not like I was waiting for it or sumn', but it was kind of expected.

I felt like every woman wanted something from me, money, publicity, a shot, my last name, and all Fallon wanted was good dick and good lovin'.

I could give it to her, but she lived far as hell from me, so I was gonna have to focus.

I had to remember to text back, cause you know bitches hated that shit, especially when you were over three hundred miles away.

I don't know how the distance thing was gonna work, but I was willing to try, cause I liked her too, I couldn't lie.

She made me feel good, and making her feel good made me feel great.

While I was washing my hands I saw Fallon stumble into the bathroom.

Drunk ass.

"Move, I gotta pee." She mumbled and walked to the toilet and plopped down on the toilet with her pantie on.

"Fallon whatchu doin'? You gotta take off ya draws." I laughed.

"I know that genius, I'm not peeing with you in here! Get out." She whined.

"Why?" I wiped my hands on the hand towel I had hanging on a ring. "It's human, we all pee."

"I know that, I just don't wanna pee in front of you."

My eyebrows raised, understanding completely what she meant.

"Ohh you gotta shit huh? Why you ain't just say that?"

Fallon started laughing. "No I'm not about to shit August, please go do something. Hey babe, can we smoke?"

"Yeah Snoop Lion, I gotchu." I laughed and walked out the bathroom and headed to a draw I kept my pack in.

I grabbed like a gram of OG kush and started breaking it down with my fingers on the dresser.

Fuck it, it'd get cleaned later.

I grabbed a swisher from the same drawer and started to walk to the bathroom while I was breaking it down, but then I remembered Fallon's scary ass was in the restroom.

"Can I come in? I gotta throw dis shit away." I asked from the other side of the door.

The door opened and Fallon was laughing looking at herself in the mirror.

Slow It Down • August Alsina • COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now