A Fathers Love

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Happy Mother's Day! Sorry for the little wait on this little chapter, I'm almost done with school, this is my last week, just bare with me. I'm trying to finish this story as soon as I can so I can move tf on with my other ones 🙄😂 - Keiana

A Fathers Love

Fallon Williams

"I'm pregnant."


"I said I'm pregnant, I went to the doctor last Monday, he said I'm eight weeks pregnant."

The crisp air in the room filled her lungs as his hand landed on her smooth caramel face. Why was he mad? She didn't want this.

She fell to the floor and allowed her eyes to close as the tears spilled over.

"Get rid of that shit, forreal. I ain't even playing with you."

That shit. Her child. Him and her. Themselves.

And he had referred to it as that shit.

If he wanted her to get rid of her baby he was going to have to pry it out of her.

"Man whattttt." I groaned as I opened my eyes, my whole body in a cold sweat. This was like the third dream I'd had since I came back from August's last weekend. I don't know what it meant, who the girl was, but it had literally been a continuing dream every single time.

I didn't know if I wanted to talk to someone about it, or keep it to myself, but I just wasn't feeling it, at all.

I stood up and walked to the bathroom to use the restroom since I was up for a minute. I sat on the toilet and laid my head in my hands. I felt so heavy and sluggish.

"Lord give me a sign." I sang in my DMX voice, and started laughing at myself, until my stomach started rumbling again. My stomach talked more than I did somedays, and it told the toilet all my business.

I think I got food poisoning from DJ Khaled's restaurant honestly.

I flushed the toilet and washed my hands quickly, skipping on the drying phase and walking back to my room. I just wanted to lay down, I didn't wanna throw up again.

"Lord God." I grabbed my stomach and mumbled as I dropped back on the bed. 

I wondered what August was doing as I tried to get comfortable in the bed, and when I did, I grabbed my phone off the charger and went to our message thread.

It was three o'eight in the morning, he could be up, who knew.

I miss you baby, wish you were here with me 😭💕 - Fallon, 3:09 AM

I knew he was on tour promoting This Thing Called Life, I just didn't know where he was location wise, like if he was in bed, the studio, on stage.

I locked my phone and closed my eyes so I could attempt to fall asleep.

"I'm not doing it! I don't care! This is my baby, my body!"

"And my house and my money bitch!" He looked around the room for something to throw, but he had already ruined it all in his rage.

She didn't care. She was going to give this baby a chance. A chance to be better than she would and could ever be.

"Fuck it. Get out. You want that baby over me? It's over, get the fuck out!" He started collecting her clothes in his hands in heaps, walking to the balcony and throwing them over the balcony like they were pieces of paper.

"Get out bitch! You and your stupid ass baby!"

I parked in my dad's driveway and turned off the engine, laying my head on the wheel. My stomach felt so queasy, and I just wanted to take a nap, but I told my parents I would come and see them since I hadn't visited in a while.

I grabbed my purse and keys and climbed out the car slowly, making my way to the door.
I knocked and started digging through my purse for my bottle of water. Water had been my best friend since I got food poisoning forreal.

"Hey baby." My papa opened the door with a smile, and pulled me into his arms. "Girl you're sweating like an athlete, what's wrong?"

I shook my head. "Nothing, you cooked?"

"Hungry hippo, you know I did. Chili with shrimp in it, I knew you were coming."

I followed him into the house, closing and locking the door behind me. "You packed some away for me already?"

"I know the drill girl." He laughed.

"My dawg, my dawg. Happy Mother's Day my love." I wrapped my arms around my papa's waist from behind while he mixed the gumbo around in the pot.

"Thank you, thank you. I'd say I did a good job. Where's my gift?"

I laughed and dug through my purse for the Armani cologne I'd smelt at Macy's and I knew he would love.

"Here darling, I hope you like. No card, they tried to charge me five dollars. I'll write you something on a piece of paper."

"Girl you're so ghetto." He pulled me into a hug, wrapping his arms around my waist. "And getting bigger. You been eating out?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I've been out and about, on the move. On a wave."

He laughed. "I can tell ma'am, and I'm about to feed you some more."

"Thank youuuuu."

I sat down and waited for my dad to bring me my bowl of goodness like the child I was. Also, standing up for that long with him had me hot and sweaty, and my stomach turning.

"You good girl?" He brought my food to me and placed it on the placemat, and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "You look like you're about to pass out."

I shook my head. "I'm good, I'm good, thank you."

I started spooning chili into my mouth, looking for a shrimp around the bowl somewhere.

"Alright, I'll be back, gotta finish your dad's laundry for the week."

"Oooh, such a good wife."

He walked out the room and I continued eating until I felt that familiar whirling in my stomach. Why god why?!

I dropped my spoon in my bowl and jogged through the house trying to find the closest restroom. I closed the bathroom door just in time and threw myself on the ground in front of the toilet so I could throw up everything I'd just scarfed down.

I started crying as my body forced everything up, why was I feeling like this? I was so tired of throwing up for no damn reason.

"Fallon? You good baby?" My nosey ass Papa asked, opening the door I should've locked.

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm fine." I closed the toilet bowl cover and flushed the toilet before pulling myself onto my feet. I was dripping with sweat, it was so evident.

"Girl I can see you're not. What's wrong?"

"I think I have food poisoning or something, my stomach is shot." I shook my head, sliding over to the sink so I could wash my mouth out and wet my face with some cold water.

"Or you're pregnant."

"That's a no."

"You know that for sure?"

I side eyed him. "No, but I'll be damned. You know I hate kids."

"Just cause you hate kids doesn't make you immune simple little girl. I want you to take a test."

"Man, that isn't even necessary. I'm not pregnant."

"Until the test says you aren't, you are to me. Now get the pee pee ready."

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