A Fathers Love Pt. Two

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Didn't mean to make this a two part, but it just ended up happening.

A lot of y'all are gonna hate me, but so is life lmao, love you guys - Keiana 😘

A Fathers Love Pt. 2

Fallon Williams

"Daddy I don't want tooooo." I whined, not even trying to look in the direction of the clear blue box.

I didn't want to think about that possibility, I didn't even want the thought to form in my head.

Fallon and kids were a big no no.

From birth I had never wanted them, growing up, I felt the same, also in my teenage years, and now in my pre adult stage I felt the exact same.

But I didn't take the precautions I needed to prevent that from happening if I was pregnant forreal. I drank like a sailor, didn't eat right, didn't use protection with August.


I loved him, and I knew he loved me, but I didn't love him enough to have his baby. I didn't love anybody that much, and I didn't care how selfish it sounded.

I hadn't even talked to him in a day, I didn't know where he was.

I was still a damn baby. I was still in school.

"Fallon please grow up for once and do this." He sighed and placed the box on the counter before walking out the restroom, leaving me by myself like he should've in the first damn place.

I grabbed the box. "Shit man."

I opened it and scanned through the instructions quickly before unzipping my body suit in the back and pulling it down so I was just in my panties, and able to pee.

I peed on the stick and my hand before pulling it away and wiping the rest off with a wadded up piece of tissue before placing it on the counter and covering the stick so I could finish the pee I had started.

Now I just had to sit and wait.

And die.

If I was pregnant, I didn't know what I would do. Definitely cry, but what would I do after? I knew what my first thought or instinct would be, but that was just so selfish of me.

Ever since I was in highschool and I saw the teenage girls surrounding me getting pregnant and dropping out of school, I vowed I'd never let a baby pull me from the path I was on, and I still felt that way right now.

Man, I couldn't be pregnant.

God wouldn't do that to me, to that poor baby.

He knew I didn't have enough love in me to love a baby like it needed to be, I was selfish as hell, and I didn't care how bad it sounded, but I did not want this baby, if there even was one.

That's why I wouldn't even let myself believe that what I had been feeling for weeks was a baby growing inside of me.
It made sense, the symptoms, but God wouldn't do that. He knew better, or at least I hoped he did.

And I'd been drinking alcohol, almost every day. If there was a baby in me, they were getting more fucked up than I was.

"I'm not pregnant. No way." I shook my head and stood up off the toilet before wiping my area and flushing the tissue away after.

I washed my hands quickly and turned off the light so I could leave the test in the bathroom and I could run away.

I didn't wanna know the results. My Papa could read it and tell me, I didn't want to know.

I walked back out into the kitchen where my chili was still sitting at the table waiting for me to finish it, and I plopped back in my seat and did just that.

When I was finished I grabbed my bowl and carried it to the sink so I could put liquid soap in the bowl to cut the grease.

"Fallon! You took it?!" My Papa's voice rang through the house.

"Uh huh!" I rolled my eyes.

Damn man.

What was I gonna do?

I know other women would be full of joy knowing they were pregnant, with the person that they loved, especially when that person was August Alsina, but I just felt full of disgust, almost.

I know there was something wrong with me, that I was having these thoughts in my head, but if I was pregnant, I really didn't want this baby.

"Where is it?! You looked at the results?!"


I grabbed my bag and pulled my notes out so I could study for my finals starting tomorrow. School was almost out for the summer, and I was so close but still so far from graduation.

My Papa walked into the kitchen with the test in his hand, and a big smile on his face.

"What's it say?" I dropped my pencil down beside my notes.

"Look for yourself."

He walked over to me until he was hovering me and handed me the rest that he'd wrapped around in a huge unnecessary sloppy wad of toilet paper.

"You wasted so much tissue." I shook my head but took the bundle nonetheless, and looked down at the little screen.


"Damn." I groaned and dropped my head on top of my notes.

"Fallon, why aren't you overjoyed? You're pregnant baby!"

"I don't want this baby." I mumbled, not even bothering to lift my head. I really wanted to suffocate against the paper actually so I wouldn't have to deal with any of this.

"What do you mean?"

"What I said. I want it gone. I don't want it. I want this to have never have happened."

"Well you need to own up to your responsibilities, you didn't use protection and now you're pregnant. You need to see a doctor to get the exact results, but you should be happy about this. I know it's a lot right now but this baby is a blessing in disguise, for you, and August."


He was going to be so happy.

And I was just going to damper everything.

I wasn't going to tell him. He didn't need to know.

I was going to get rid of it, and he'd never know. I'd never tell him. What he didn't know wouldn't hurt him.

"Fallon?" My Papa touched my arm, pulling me out of my rapid moving thoughts.

"I gotta go, I have finals tomorrow."

I stood up and pushed my chair back against the tile so I could get out the seat, and collected my notes off the table.

"Okay, well, let me know when you make it home, good luck on finals, I'll talk to you tomorrow."

I nodded and pulled him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around my waist and held onto me closely.

"I love you Fallon."

"Love you too."
He pulled away and walked over to the counter space next to the stove where there was a few containers of chili. Bless him.


"Thank you. Love you."

"Love you too. Remember what I said, blessing in disguise

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