Relations Or Relationships

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Hey my babies, excited to get this story progressing, and get little things popping, and big thangs stepping, so vote, and comment comment comment, telling me what you think.

Just a little filler to get us to the good stuff.

Relations Or Relationships

Fallon Williams

"So I'm telling him I can't do the order without the receipt." Daniel said to me, explaining how his day was over dinner, which he'd came over and made, even though I told him it was completely fine and he didn't need to do that.

I had a lot of things on my mind, and all my tests were coming, and I didn't want to hear about Daniel's day.

I really didn't care.

Daniel was always someone who was just there, he wanted to be more, but he went with what I allowed.

I didn't know why he wanted me so badly, and I didn't treat him right, so I don't know why he stayed.

It definitely wasn't the sex, because he wasn't getting any.

"What do you want from me?" It was a thought that slipped out, and as soon as I realized it, I stomped my foot against the floor.


"What you mean? I don't want anything."

I shook my head. "Forget it. Finish your story."

"Nah, whatchu mean? What do I see in you?"

Well yeah.

"I said forget it Daniel."

"Nah, let's talk. You've been so distant lately, like you don't want me around anymore. Is that what it is?"

"It's not that I don't want you around, I just don't see why you're around."

"Cause I like you?" He said in a 'duh' tone.

"I like you too Daniel. But not in that way." I looked at him, noticing his jaw bone tightening up.

"What? What do you mean you don't like me in that way? All this shit I've been doing for you, the dates we went on, I let you meet my mom, and you don't like me anymore?" He stood up, scraping his chair against my floor.

"That's bullshit Fallon!"

"I'm sorry Daniel, what do you want me to do? Just act like I don't feel this way, and string you along?" I stood up, following him to the front door.

He turned around, making me run into his chest as I followed him.

"You've been doing that shit! Using me the whole time!"

"I never used you! I told you from the beginning I didn't want anything serious, and you went along with it! I'm sorry that I don't want a boyfriend right now, if that was using you I apologize."

He opened the door and shook his head at me. "Nah, you do want a boyfriend right now, he just ain't me."

Daniel walked out and closed the door behind him, not hard enough to slam though.


Everything just happened so quick, but I didn't want to lie.

Daniel was right, someone else was on mind, and if there was any hope of him taking me seriously, there couldn't be a little side thing taking me out on dates and FaceTiming me when he did not make an appointment.

I kinda liked August, he'd been texting me and checking on me making sure I was studying for my tests.

It was cute, cause I knew he was on the road, and he didn't have to.

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