You Don't Know My Name

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Hey loves! So one day I was writing, and this old ass Drake song I used to loveeeeeee came on, and I got all these ideas, and I just started writing.

I'm not sure what my plan with this is, all I know is that it's gonna be a short story. Any misunderstandings will be answered in the next chapter, whenever I get around to writing it lol.

I've been working my butt off for days though, writing this on and off, and I really hope you guys enjoy!

Tell me what you like, what you don't like, your thoughts, ideas, alladatttt.

Okay, read, vote, comment letting me know what you think, and enjoy!
- Keiana

You Don't Know My Name

Fallon Williams

His pink plump lips grazed my neck as he slid the jacket off of my shivering body.

"You cold baybeh?" He mumbled while running his hands up and down my thighs.

I nodded, keeping my mouth shut. If I opened it I'd be in tears in a second. I wasn't cold, I was shaking cause I was terrified.

I hadn't expected things to move this fast, and now I felt like I couldn't back out. I didn't know if I wanted to either.

I felt August's hand wrap around my low ponytail and slowly pull my head back so my neck was exposed to him.
"I need words baybeh, you gotta talk ta me. Closed mouths don't get fed outchea, ya heard me?"

I nodded, understanding what he'd said. The deep raspy tone of his words had me squirming against him.

Yeah, I wanted this.

He grabbed me by my arms and stood in front of me so I had to look up at his lanky form. I didn't usually find myself attracted to skinny guys, just because I was skinny as well, but there was just something about August.

"You want sumthin' ta drink?"

I fought the urge to laugh. Just an hour ago, he'd been in my ear telling me how he was about to put me on something I'd want to kill bitches for, and now he was asking me if I wanted a drink, in my own place for that matter.

I found my voice. "I'll have one if you want one."

August nodded. "Bet."

I laughed. "I guess that was your way of asking for a drink. Follow me."

I'd already taken off and thrown my Steve Madden's back into the closet where they belonged, so I could feel August towering over me as he followed me from my bedroom to my kitchen.

"It's just me here by myself, so I may not have what you like." I mumbled.

"Baybeh girl, you got exactly what I like." He told me with his eyes gazing at me heavily, or maybe it was the other way around.

I felt my caramel cheeks turn hot as I bent down and opened up one of my lower cabinets, hoping I still had that bottle of Hennessy my best friend Nadia left.

I found the bottle and grabbed two small glasses from the chestnut wood cabinet above my head. August had made himself comfortable at my kitchen table, sitting in one of the chairs and leaning it back against the wall.

"Okay, I don't know how much of this is left, but I'm gonna fill your glass up first. Tell me when to stop." I unscrewed the cap off of the Hennessey and used the easy pour spout to fill up August's glass.

When the glass was halfway full with the brown liquid, August told me to stop. I grabbed my cup and put a little bit in, just enough that my nerves would disappear.

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