Epilogue: Fly

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Sorry I took so long to finally post this for you guys, over a month of waiting, I'm sooooo sorry. Even if the ending isn't what you expected, imagined, or liked, I just wanna thank every single one of you guys for reading this short story I came up with on a whim. I never imagined y'all to like it so much, or Fallon, so I appreciate you guys so much for that.

If y'all don't like the ending I'm realllllllly sorry lmao, I've been trying to get this out for so long with no type of push or interest if that makes sense, so I hope it didn't come out like that too much.

Now that I'm done with this story I'm gonna try to finish up my other stories before I even think of writing a new one, but y'all know me lmao, I can never keep a promise.

Love you guys so much for all the support, and have a blessed day, night, whenever you read this just be blessed babies. God bless 😘 - Keiana

Epilogue: Fly

August Alsina

My alarm going off made me open my eyes first, since Destiny hadn't made a sound. I was so tired, I just needed another hour, but I knew I had to get up and do this, since Fallon wasn't here, and I was the only one.

I could call Nadia, but she worked last night, so I know her face was in the pillow right now.

"Thank you Lawd for everythang you do for me, and my family, thank you for another day that wasn't guaranteed. Thank you for all dis, cause I know you can take it away in a second."

I sat up and got myself out of bed, pulling the blanket so it didn't look like I'd just slept in it and walked out the bedroom.

I walked down the quiet hall toward baby girls' room, where I didn't hear any noise. 

"Come on Destiny, you gotta wake up." I announced, walking towards her crib and scooping her into my arms.

She started wrestling around in my arms as I carried her to the bathroom. "Ugh daddy."

"I told you to go to bed last night, but you wanted to be grown and finish ya movie. Right? So deal widdit." I laughed as she tried to keep her eyes closed.

I told Destiny she had daycare inna morning, but she wanted to finish the Princess and the Frog, like she hadn't seen the movie a hundred times already. Now it was 7 in the morning and she didn't wanna get ready for daycare.

"Can I have snack?"

"Yeah once you eat your breakfast."

I guess that satisfied her, cause she allowed me to get her out of her pajamas and into a pair of jeans and a long sleeve Polo shirt.

"What shoes?" I bent down looking in her closet at her choices, waiting for her to tell me since I didn't wanna assume and get bitched at.


I knew it. I should've just pulled them out.

Destiny sat on the floor and stuck her small feet out for me to put the Jordans on. Her hair was luckily still in braids from the week before, so I pulled them into a bun on the top of her head and scooped her back into my arms.

"Eat then brush teeth, you know you ain't got no table manners."

I carried Destiny downstairs to the kitchen and sat her down in her chair at the island.


I grabbed the blueberry Eggo waffles from inside the freezer and popped two into the toaster, pushing down on the button.

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