Distant Lovers

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Hey boo boos, I wrote this on the plane back from Jamaica, thanks for all the birthday wishes, I had a great 18th birthday, and sorry I took so long on this update!

- Keiana

Distant Lovers

Fallon Williams

I grabbed my suitcase and walked to the entrance of the airport to get picked up by Nadia.

I'd just woken up five minutes before the plane landed, and I still looked and felt like it.

I pulled out my phone to text August and let him know I was back in Texas while I maneuvered through the crowd.

Hey baby, I just got here, I'm looking for Nadia. - Fallon

I typed another text.

I miss you so much already. - Fallon

I locked my phone and walked up to my Hyundai I saw parked outside the arrival gate.

Nadia popped the trunk before getting out the car and pulling me into a tight hug.

"Hey boo, I missed you, you good?"

"I miss him already bitch." I laughed and shook my head.

She laughed and took my carry on and purse from me. "That's what that disrespectful dick do."

We packed my stuff away and I got in the passenger seat, taking advantage of the fact that Nadia was actually driving me around, it was usually the other way around.

She pulled out the airport and headed to my apartment.

I felt my phone vibrate from within my purse, and I pulled it out quickly hoping it was August, but it was my parents.

I sighed trying to change my tone before I answered the phone, I didn't wanna sound like my dog just died, even though that's how I felt.


"Hey Fallon baby, where you at?" My daddy asked me.

"I just got in the car with Nadia, on the way to my place."

"Nice, okay, so you made it back in one piece. Me and your papa were just checking to see where our precious cargo was at."

I laughed. "I'm in your state daddy."

"And when are we gonna see you?"

I bit my lip thinking. "I'll come see you guys this weekend, after my first shift."

"Oh yes, you are starting your new job soon, even though you know you don't have to."

I interrupted him. "I know daddy, I want to though."

"Look at you, so independent. Alright baby, I'll let you go, call me after work and tell me how it went."

"Alright daddy, I will. Love you."

"Love you too babe."

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