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Sorry for the little wait, school was on my ass, but I'm back on it now.

Almost done with this story 😊

Hope you enjoy, vote, and comment! Love you guys 😘 - Keiana


August Alsina

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August Alsina

"I know you don't really know me personally that well, and I'm really not trying to get in your business, but I just feel like you deserve to know, and maybe can help. Umm, Fallon's really sick. I don't know if you've talked to her lately, but something's really wrong, and I'm really worried about my friend. She's pregnant August, and she's so set in her mind that an abortion is gonna solve all her problems, but it's so much deeper. I didn't mean to do all this over a voicemail, just call me back please. Call her. Do something, please."

The voicemail was the first thing I'd seen when I picked up my phone after the show in Maryland, and I'd listened to it about four times now, trying to make sure I heard everything correctly.

I don't know how, but Nadia had gotten my number, and dropped a few bombs on me.

First, Fallon was pregnant. Second, she wanted to terminate the pregnancy.

And thirdly, she hadn't told me a Goddamn thing.

I should've known. I knew something was wrong, I just brushed it off like she missed a nigga or sum though, who would've known she was keeping something so wild like this all to herself.

My hand shook as I called back the number Nadia had called me from. I just wanted this to be a prank, a sick joke, I'd call Nadia all types of thots and bitches, laugh it off, and go back to my day.


"Yeah it's me. Wazzam? What's going on?"

"You heard my voicemail?"

"Yeah." I nodded as if she could see me. "Shit sounded like a soap opera tho', I'm waiting for the joke to be over."

Nadia sighed. "I wish I was joking August. Baby girl's lost it. I think she feels like this is her only option, when it shouldn't even be a thought, especially without your knowledge and consent. She has an appointment already and everything August."

My jaw clenched. This bitch was really just gonna kill my baby, my blood, myself, and not even let me know?

And this was the woman I loved?

Nah man, shit wasn't adding up.

"Fuck she on? What's wrong with her?"

"I wish I knew August. You have to see for yourself, she's so disconnected. She doesn't eat, she doesn't work, she doesn't go to school. She just cries and sleeps."

Slow It Down • August Alsina • COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now