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Okay so I hated writing this, shit was so annoying cause I just wanted it to end, and so I can write this new story that's just been sitting on my mind for so long.

A story that I hope is gonna do a lot of healing for me, and that y'all will really enjoy, maybe, hopefully 🤷🏾‍♀️

It's called Baby, I had a little note for it posted called Longevity, but it's called Baby now, and it's literally my baby.

I already posted the first chapter, so I hope you enjoy! It's on my page, called Baby.

I'm writing about my past, what I went through in 2016, hopefully that'll help me heal, cause a bitch is going through it right now lmao.

The first chapter is posted, under Baby. So hopefully you enjoy that, like you enjoyed this.

I'm gonna post an epilogue sometime soon, whenever I get to it, answering questions and giving the story a real ending lol. Hope you guys enjoyed!
Even if you didn't, love you guys so much!

- Keiana


Fallon Williams

I sat in between August and Nadia, feeling the best that I had in longer than I could explain. Usually I wanted to be by myself in solitude, about to go to sleep, but I had a lot of energy in me tonight.

I really didn't think it would've helped, but August talking and listening to me had really helped.

I didn't feel so alone anymore, even though I had been the one pushing everyone away.

It had made me realize how selfish I had been being, and that I really had a great support system around me, and I needed to appreciate them so much more.

Especially August.

He had been on the verge of literally killing me earlier, and now he was sitting on the couch rubbing my feet and belly, varying between the two.

It felt so weird to see him showing love to me, and the baby inside of me, but I knew this was how it was supposed to be, and I needed to get over all the ill feelings inside of me.

"I want some cake or something." Nadia mumbled as we put on another episode of Park and Recreation. I had recently started watching the Office, and someone at work had recommended Parks to me, so I was trying it out.

August scrunched up his face. "You just finished off the whole pot of pasta, how?"

"I didn't finish the whole pot August." She rolled her eyes. "The pot wasn't even that big."

"Whatever makes you feel better Nadia."

"Forreal though, y'all don't want something sweet? Like ice cream? Cake? Cupcakes?"

"Some rocky road ice cream would touch my soul right now honestly." I agreed with her.

"Exactlyyy, my treat! August you want some too?"

"I'll just eat from Fallon's."

"No the fuck you not you trick ass bitch." I laughed, standing up off the couch.

"Where you going?" August's eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.

"To get ice cream? I haven't been outside in days."

August looked like he was about to stand up too, until Nadia interrupted him. "I haven't talked to her in a whole month, let us have girl time."

I laughed. "It has not been a whole month."

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