Gay Dinner

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Sorry for the delay, school was on my ass but now I'm caught up so I'm back at my good place.

Drama is coming soon, I know this story just seems like sex and kisses, but when I bring this drama y'all? Y'all won't know what the hell to do.

Comment, vote, tell ya friends about my story lol, just continue being great readers like you guys always are, and I'll see you guys next chapter 😊

Kisses, Keiana.

Gay Dinner

Fallon Williams

"So you do dis drive every week?" August asked me while we drove down the highway to get to Houston.

"I used to do it more often than I do now, that's my dads have been begging me to come, I haven't seen them physically in almost a month."

"So what do you guys do?"

"What do you mean what do we do? We eat dinner." I laughed.

"Y'all don't do no special shit? Decorating and shit, like a gay dinner?"

I almost stopped driving the car I was laughing so hard. August said gay dinner. Like what's a gay dinner?

"Babe you're so cute and dumb." I laughed and took the exit off of the highway onto a main street. I was born and raised in San Antonio, but my dads had moved to Houston when I was eighteen to get away from my craziness they said, and now I was twenty, and doing the back to back weekend drives had taught me how to navigate through these Houston streets. 

"I'm being so serious though."

"No gay things will be discussed, my dads will be on their best behavior, you'll love them." I told August, hoping I had reassured him enough.

It was kind of cute that he was asking me questions about meeting my dads, he was nervous but I knew he would never actually come out and tell me.

I was surprised that I'd told I'm loved him this morning, and I was even more surprised he'd said it back, in his own way, but I still felt it regardless.

I was really in love. This is what it was supposed to be like, nothing like what I had with Daniel. With Daniel, I didn't care if I didn't get a text back from him, he could block me for all he wanted, but August, whenever we were texting I found myself going back to our thread every other minute trying to see if he'd replied.

I checked everyday to make sure August had eaten at least two meals, including breakfast, and that he used the eyedrops he had to use everyday after his surgery. He was good on remembering, but I had a reminder set just in case he forgot.

And the sexxxx, man the sex. I had went a full two years without being penetrated before August, but I promise we had made up for it in these four months. I don't know what it was, but his dick literally gave me life. Like it gave me energy. To just keep on going, and going, and going.

And he could keep going, and going, and going.

It was beautiful.

And now that the love word was beginning to get thought about and thrown around, and my parents had called me begging to come and join them for barbecue today, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to introduce them to August.

My papa would have wine of course, and my dad would have beers, and I knew August could drink that nasty shit all day, next to Henny.

"Whatchu over there plotting bout?" August laughed and started rubbing on my sundress covered thigh. It was a gorgeous day in Houston in February amazingly, seventy six degrees, so the cakes was out today.

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