Maybe It's More

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"You won't escape forever Lucy," Natsu called seductively. I panted and looked over my shoulder and around the tree to see the Dragon Slayer had his back to me. I pushed off the rough bark surface and ran farther.

I can hear you running.

His voice was cunning, dark, and admittedly sexy.

I can also hear what you're thinking right now.

Shut up!

You're close...

I swerve left hoping to avoid him. I hear rustling in the leaves and I realize he was hopping tree to tree. That sly bastard! I did a U-turn and propelled myself back in the direction I came from.

"Gottcha!" He laughs and grabs me up making me yelp.

"Let me go!" I struggle to get loose.

"Now why would I do that?" He nipped my ear making my face turn red.

"Just put me down you idiot!" I squirmed more to no avail.

"But I caught the prize," his husky voice murmured, "my mate." I froze and I heard a chuckle slide past his lips. His hands worked their way to my back and he pulled me closer to him. My heart raced and I could feel the heat of his hands. He leaned down and forcibly kissed me, but I slid my tongue into his mouth and felt his fangs.

He lifted me up and carried me back to his house and let's just say I'm not against this whole mate thing anymore...


I pushed myself up and I yawned softly. I rubbed my neck and opened my eyes and looked around. And then I remembered...

Natsu and I...almost...

I blushed madly and glanced to my side where the shirtless Dragon Slayer was asleep. I saw him stir and I buried myself under the blanket.

"Lucy..? What the hell are you doing..." Natsu muttered tiredly.

"N-nothing!" I laugh. He pulls the cover back from my face and stares at me.

"What are you staring at me for?!" I break the silence that had fallen between us, leaving me uneasy. He and I where now more than just partners, no, we where much much more than that...and if things keep going like they are, we would for sure...

"You seem spacey," I heard Natsu comment, drawing me from my thoughts and back to reality where my Dragon Slayer had an arm on either side of me, half over my body.

"Sorry, I was thinking," I murmur and sit up. Natsu moved out of my way and when I say up he leaned his head on my shoulder. I heard a soft pattering on the window and realized it was raining out. It was actually kinda nice. I smiled to myself and let Natsu sleep on my shoulder until he woke up again.

When he finally did I got up and stretched, grabbed some of my clothes and pulled them on. I walked out of the room and then outside where I watched the rain for a few minutes.

"Lucy, I need to talk to you about something important okay?" Natsu stood behind me. I turned to face him and I saw his bangs where covering his eyes.

"'re gonna hate me..." He muttered. I worried look crossed my face. Why would I ever hate Natsu..? I mean...

"I have to...errr...well you see..." He mumbled holding the back of his neck.

"Natsu, just say it." I fold my arms.

"Well I sorta have to uhm...have sex with you," He met my eyes.

"Wait, when?" I ask slightly nervous.

"Within the next two days..." Natsu tells me, no longer nervous.

"Two days?! I thought we had a bit more time!" I exclaim wildly.

"Lucy, calm down its okay," Natsu tried to soothe me but I shook him off.

"I mean I'm okay with the mates thing and how far we went last night was fine but two days? Only two?" I folded my arms worriedly.

"Why?" I glance up at him.

"You aren't completely mine until then. For now you are and that mark will last two days, but after that...bad things," Natsu sighed.

", I have today to kinda prepare myself!" I say a bit brighter.

"It would be better if we did it sooner Luce," Natsu whispered.

"Why is that?" I question him, turning to face him full on.

"Well...there's a small chance it won't work the first time," he said seriously.

"O-oh..." I look down.

"Just don't try and run. If you do my instinct will take over and I'm not so nice then," he warned.

"Maybe I wanted to play hard to get!" I pout.

"Lucy." He said with warning and authority in his voice.

"Don't you think it'll be fun?" I tease.

"It'll be fun for me either way," he smirked. I blushed and looked away.

"Run if you want to, I'll catch you Luce," He whispered in my ear.

Taken by the Dragon Slayer | A NaLu Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now