The Unexpected Explaination

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Natsu's serious manner was still foreign to me. Most of his childish self had disappeared, though it still shone through occasionally. He stepped towards me, saying nothing still.

"You have to promise not to freak out, alright Luce?" He looks me in the eye.

"I... promise?" I respond hesitantly.

He took a deep breath, "Every Dragon Slayer has immense power, and so it had to be balanced. That balance comes in the form of a partner; a mate," he begins to explain. His even tone and knowledge was unnatural.

"That will be explained too," he adds, hearing my thought.

"Stop listening to my thoughts!" I exasperate, rolling my eyes.

He continues explaining. "During a period of time the Dragon Slayer will mature both as a mage and as a person. This spike in power and maturity has to be balanced. So Dragon Slayers have to find their mates during this time," he pauses for a moment.

"What happens if they... don't find their mate?" I ask hesitantly.

"They potentially loose their power. Or turn demonic," he adds the last part. The thought of Natsu as a demon made me shudder.

"Once they find their mate they have to, well they have to claim them. Make sure they are marked somehow so that other's know they are taken," Natsu continues to explain.

"And they have to seal the bond," he finishes. I stare at him. Then the reality of the situation hit me. It's that time, the time when Dragon Slayers must find their mate.

My eyes widened as I asked, "How do you seal the bond?"

"I'll tell you when the times comes," he sighs and turns from me slightly. Then another realization hit me. If it was the time, and Natsu was here with me...

"I-I'm...your mate..." I murmur.

Natsu looked over at me. He didn't deny what I was saying. "Is that really why I'm here?" I step closer to him hesitantly.

"Partially, yes. The other reason is some bastard is targeting you for it," he grit his teeth.

"Someone is targeting me for being your mate? What are they trying to do?" I voice drops.

"They want to keep us from sealing our bond, and that requires taking you. Like I'd let that happen..." He growled. I took a step back.

", what are we going to do? How are we going to get rid of whoever is after me? And Levy?" I ask him.

He shook his head, "I don't know Lucy, but I just have to keep you safe until this is over. After that I can find this guy and kick his ass to Edolas."

I gulped. I hesitantly asked, "S-so, h-how are we going to..."

Suddenly Natsu leapt over to me and placed his hand over my mouth hissing, "Sh! Don't talk." I stared at him wide eyed as he sniffed the air. He growled lowly, and my heartbeat tripled.

"The bastard is back...and he's close. Too close," Natsu's voice was quiet. He moved his other arm around my waist and held me close to him.

"Okay, I need you to not make a sound," Natsu murmured in my ear. I nodded quickly in response. He scooped me up into his arms and threw open the back door before taking off running. I held onto him tighter not wanting to let go.

'Why...why are we leaving?'

'He knows.'

'Who? Who knows? What does he know?'

'Dreydek, and he knows how to get to you.'

'But...I thought we where safe...?'

'That was just to keep you calm. I'm taking you to the guild, then I'm fighting this guy.'

'What about the bond!?'

'It'll have to wait, Luce.'

'Natsu I can't let you risk that! No, absolutely not!'

'I have to.'

'We just need a place to hide, nothing else... We...we could go to Erza's house! Or...Gray's.'

'Lucy, I have to take this guy on! He's gonna just try and kill you otherwise!'

By now we had reached the guild. Natsu was breathing hard and he set me down before turning to take off. I grabbed his arm and pulled myself to him, holding him back with my arms. Tears fell down my face as dread filled my body.

"Please...don't..." I whimpered.

"I'm...I'm sorry," he mumbled. Then he pulled away and took off through the streets. It wasn't long before I saw flames dancing in the skyline. I rushed to get Erza, Gray, Mirajane, anyone I could think of. I wasn't sure how much longer Natsu had, but I had to get him help. I wasn't going to let him fight alone.

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