You Are Not Alone

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My heart pounds as I run. I disregard every warning given to me. I run up and lean against a building that had been blasted apart. I pull out my keys.

Virgo materializes before me. "Are you going to punish me princess?" She asks.

"No, please go find Makarov and bring him here!" I ask her before she disappears into the ground. I turn back in the direction of the fighting. I peek out and see Erza cut Dreydek's side and make him fall to his knees. Natsu slams into him with his Iron Fist.

Dreydek stands up again, still fighting. I watch and try and find weak points, blind spots, anything. Then when Natsu, Erza and Gray attack again, they get blasted back. I throw my hands over my mouth.

"You're starting to annoy me you puny fairies!" He roars.

"We aren't giving up!" Natsu yells back.

"If you want Lucy or Levy, you can forget it!" Gray hollers.

"Such big talk for such small fairies!" Dreydek laughs.

"We may be small, but we're strong!" I yell running at him.

"Open Gate of the Lion: Leo!"I cross the key and Leo appears. Without orders he slams his fist into Dreydek.

"Open Gate of the Twins: Gemini!" The two twins appear in a cloud of smoke.

"Lucy, what the hell are you doing?!" Natsu asks.

"I'm helping!" I respond as I prepare to call fourth Taurus.

"Get out of here!" He demands.

"No, I'm staying!" I call back stubbornly as Erza and Gray resume attacking. Natsu leaps over to me.

"Lucy I'm serious, you need to run and get away," he growls in my ear.

"I'm not leaving you alone. You aren't alone on this. It should be my fight too," I retort.

"He will stop at nothing to kill you!" Natsu emphasizes.

"But I can't just leave it up to you," I look him dead in the eye, "I can fight too."

"Dreydek!" A familiar voice roared.

"Makarov..." Natsu breathed. I smiled when he looked back at me. He shook his head and met my gaze evenly again.

"I'll let you fight, on one condition," he quickly added the end. I nod, ready to agree to anything.

"If at any moment it starts looking bad for you or me, get the hell out of there. Alright?" He asks.

"Okay, but we'll be fine. I know it," I grin. Then we hurry back to where the others where. We saw Makarov standing between Dreydek and Erza, Gray, Natsu and myself. Natsu and I quickly joined Erza and Gray, getting ready to face him of necessary.

"What are you doing here old man?" Dreydek says clearly annoyed.

"I'm protecting my brats, that's what!" Makarov responds without a second's hesitation. It seemed those two knew each other somehow, some way. The tension in the air had tripled to a point of suffocation. You could see the Sparks flying in their gazes.

Suddenly Dreydek smirked. "And you think you can beat me? Still? Hadn't I proved a valid point last time?" His tone was purely acidic. Even Natsu seemed to growl lowly, something I wasn't used to.

"Last time you cheated, and that was many years ago Dreydek." Makarov said evenly.

"And that's been plenty of time for me to get stronger. Strong enough to end you and that guild of yours. Starting with that girl and the Solid Script mage," Dreydek sneered.

"Like hell you're laying a finger on Lucy!" Natsu growled.

"I'm not letting you take Lucy nor Levy's life. I'll defend my children," Makarov's fists clenched.

"Just shut up you old geezer! I'm tired of talking!" Dreydek took stance.

"Finally, I get to kick some ass! This guy was getting annoying," Natsu grinned, his sharp canines showing. I pulled out my keys for Tarus and Cancer, ready to open their gates.

"Get ready to face the fires of Hell Dreydek!" Natsu yelled as he leapt through the air, fist raised and aflame. Gray prepared an attack and Erza requipped into her Fire Empress armor.

"We won't let our comrades fall to you!" Erza yelled in defiance.

"We aren't giving them up to some creep like you!" Gray added before slamming his fist into his palm yelling, "Ice Make: Excalibur!"

Natsu made impact with Dreydek and there was a massive explosion. Dreydek flew back and Natsu was standing in a crater, a wild look on his face. As Dreydek stood again I opened Tarus's gate and and he, along with Erza and Gray attacked him.

Natsu chuckled almost manically after Erza and Gray stopped attacking and Tarus took a direct hit. He ran for Dreydek, yelling wildly.

"Lucy!" Makarov called me to him where he stood, waiting for a chance to attack.

"I might have to ask something daring of you," Makarov said seriously.

I nod, "What is it?"

"You might have to make that bond with Natsu tonight. Soon. He's starting to loose control," Makarov watched as Natsu mercilessly attacked Dreydek.

"Alright," I agree determinedly.

"You have to get him away from Dreydek before he looses it completely. Then I'll finish this fight. I'm trusting you with this Lucy. I know you won't let us down," he gave me a reassuring smile.

"Now, I believe you have a certain mage to contain, and I have a lesson to teach," he turned back to the battlefield.

I waited until Natsu was thrown back by Dreydek's attack again. Then I ran to him while Makarov jumped in. Natsu tried to leap up but I pulled him back. He looks back at me with wild eyes and I have to force myself not to fear him. I shake my head.

We should go. You can't stay here much longer and stay...human...

What?! I'm taking this guy down Lucy!

No! Makarov and the others can handle him now, it isn't safe for you!

I won't back down from a fight unless I know I have to.

You have to! Natsu you are becoming the demon that I'm supposed to keep you from becoming...

He stared at me for a while before answering me.

I'll finish this. Now.

"Natsu, wait!" I yell after him as he leaps back his whole body aflame.

"Idiot!" I curse and run after him. But before I can get halfway to the battlefield everything explodes. Erza, Gray and Makarov slide back across the dirt and hold their arms up to shield their faces from flying pieces of earth, and I do the same.

"I'm finishing this now! I'm tired of you!" Natsu yelled as he ate the nearby flames. After wiping away the excess he smirked.

"Get ready to pay for threatening my guild, my comrades, and my Lucy."

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