Living with a Dragon Slayer

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I lugged a bag on my shoulder as I walked with Natsu and Happy. They where both surprisingly quiet, I expected them to at least joke around with one another. Though Happy occasionally sighed Carla's name happily. I finally spoke up.


He turned his head and looked at me, "Yeah Lucy?"

"Do you know who it is, the people targeting me and Levy?" I ask. He turns his head to look straight forward again. I can see him scowling from my angle. "No," he finally sighs.

I silently nod, and then continue walking silently. I watch him as he walks, kind of admiring him. Over our last few missions he had really grown up, so to speak. I watched as wind tussled his spiky pink hair. The determined look on his face made him look kinda attractive. Wait, attractive?!

Natsu then grabs my arm and leads me up and smaller dirt path. We climb up a hill and when we reach the crest I stop. I was looking down at the cutest house I had seen in Fiore.

"Come on Luce!" Natsu called from me where he had leapt down the hill and was almost to the wrap around deck. It had been a few years since they said they moved, and I hadn't ever been to their new house. Happy flew into a little tower above the house, I expect it was his little home.

I make my way down the hill and then into the house. I closed my eyes-- ready for a massive mess and disaster area. When I opened my eyes I was shocked to see it was clean and neat. I stared at it wide eyed. I looked over at Natsu who grinned at my reaction.

"We haven't hung around here much to trash it," he laughs. I sigh and sweatdrop. Then I perk up as Natsu points to a door.

"That is the room Luce," he directs me. I head towards it and place my hand on the cold metal handle. Then I twist it and push the door open. The room wasn't extremely tiny, but it wasn't huge either. It was a good size for me with a queen size bed, quite similar to the one back at my apartment. I'd miss that place.

'You talk like you're never going to leave,' I hear Natsu's voice in my mind and I let out a yelp of surprise. I must be hearing things.

'Sorry Luce, you aren't hearing things,' his voice laughs.

'How are you doing this?' I ask him.

'That's something I'll explain later when it's important. For now I need you outside,'

I set my bag down and head out to the porch. Natsu is leaning on the rail waiting for me, his arms folded across his chest. When he sees me he pushes himself off the rail.

"What did you need?" I ask him.

"I need to explain some rules. Ground rule is Gramps put me in charge. You listen to me no matter what. If these people are serious about their threats you need to stay by my side all the time, no objections," he tells me in an even serious tone.

"A-all the time?" I stutter.

"Yes, I'm not letting them get their hands on you," he nearly growled that part. This was a new side of Natsu, or one I just hadn't seen before.

"It's a side that's more difficult to control," he tells me. I stare at him. Can he read my thoughts?

'Yes, so you might want to be careful what you think,'

"How can you do that?" I ask him again.

He shrugs and smirks. "I don't think you want to hear the answer to that at this moment,"

I look at him suspiciously. Then I sigh dejectedly. "I guess since it's for protection purposes, I'll deal with it," I huff. I turn and begin to walk back.

"I heard your thoughts earlier, while we where walking. Thanks for the compliment," I could hear teasing in his voice.

"Oh shut up you stupid Dragon Slayer!" I rush into the house, my face as red as a tomato. I went into the bedroom and threw my bag in a corner and tossed my shoes off. Then I stretched out grabbing a pillow and hugging it, laying chest down. I closed my eyes, hiding my red face in a pillow.

I eventually fell asleep, my chest rising and falling evenly. I felt a hand brush hair back from my face and I shifted in my sleep. It was a soft touch, and warm too. I almost opened my eyes, but they where glued shut by sleep. Eventually there where no more disturbances and I continued to rest peacsfully.

Waking up a little while later my eyes caught sight of the bright colors of the skies, indicating it was evening. I got up off the soft bed and walked out of the bedroom. I yawned and stretched as I searched for the familiar pink haired mage, but I didn't spot him. I peeked out front and saw him standing outside, the wind blowing his clothes, scarf and hair. He looked like he was concentrating on something, and his eyes where closed.

I crept closer, slowly drawing nearer. Suddenly his eyes snapped open and landed on me, and his sudden movement made me freeze. He angles his head back a bit, looking at me from the corner of his eyes.

"You forget I can hear your thoughts Lucy," he smirks.

"Stop listening to my thoughts! It's weird! And I still don't know why you can hear them," I fold my arms over my chest and pout. He turns to face me full on and my gaze met his intense one. Suddenly he frowned and then walked over to me and without a sound led me inside.

"Na-" his hand flies to my mouth.

'Don't talk. Someone is nearby, and I don't recognize their scent,' even in my mind his tone was dead serious. He locks the door and turns out the light, his hand still over my mouth. He pulled me against him and I could feel his muscles tensing. His other free arm wrapped around my bare stomach and his hand rested on my waist.

'Na...Natsu? What's going on?' My thought was hesitant. I could feel his grip tighten on me.

'I think they might have found you. I'm going to leave you in here. Don't make a sound, understand?' He ordered. I nodded in response and he released me. He walked out the door and I sat curled up on the couch, my head buried in my knees. When my head shifted up I spotted bottles on the counter before me. It hit me that I was dying of thirst, my panic lacing it unnoticed.

I stood up and carefully made my way towards them. My hand gripped the neck of the bottle and the other quietly opened it.

'Lucy, don't,' barely hearing him, I lifted the bottle to my lips, and drank. The bitter taste in my throat was strange, but it wasn't terrible. I knew then and there that it wasn't water like I thought. I drank a little more, and more. Before I knew it I had drank the entire bottle, and I was getting very dizzy. I sunk to the floor and just stared across the floor boards.

Taken by the Dragon Slayer | A NaLu Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now