False Alarm: It's just a drunk Lucy

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I rolled my head over and looked up at the remaining bottles of sake. I wanted to reach up and grab them but that meant getting up, and I was far too dizzy. I giggled softly to myself. I was spread out on Natsu's kitchen floor like a starfish, my head turned to look around the room.

Maybe if I went outside the air would help my dizziness. 'Lucy don't even think about it,' Natsu's voice warned.

'Oh shut up voice in my head, you can't control me!' I retorted. I slowly pushed myself up onto my elbows and pulled my legs in so I could get some leverage to get up. I got myself onto all fours and then carefully and slowly got to my feet. I was somewhat wobbly, and my head pounded relentlessly.

I shuffled slowly across the floor, using nearby object to steady myself. 'Lucy! Listen to me! Stay inside!' Natsu nearly growled the order. I ignored him and kept moving for the door, now as if I was being compelled. My body moved alone, my brain doing nothing. I reached the door and slowly put my hand on the knob.

I tried to stop my hand, and gain control back. But it didn't listen. I tried moving my legs and they too ignored my command to move. Fear blossomed in my chest, replacing the buzz of the alcohol. My hand grasped the knob, and I used all my willpower to try and pull it off. Suddenly the door flew open and it was yanked from my hand. I stumbled forward and into Natsu.

My knees gave out and he held me up as I calmed my breathing, not realizing I had been hyperventilating. He pulled me inside and shut the door, locking it back. He flipped the lights on again and saw the empty sake bottle on the floor. He looked down at me and sighed.

"You know, I always thought you where the smart one of us," he shook his head. I didn't reply, I just kept my head where it was on his chest, not willing to trust my body on its own yet. He left me by the couch and picked up the stray bottle and tossed it in the trash. He picked up the others and took them outside. I slumped down on the soft couch, the alcohol kicking in again. I felt as if I was burning so I slid off my cover up and all that was left was my white belly shirt. I slid off my shoes and socks before collapsing on the couch again. I pulled my hair loose of its ties letting it hang over my back and face freely.

I was still hot in my skirt and shirt and I contemplated taking them off. 'I wouldn't do that if I where you,' Natsu warns. I groan quietly in response. I hear him come back inside. I peek my head up at him and see something flicker across his face. I drop back down onto the couch, still burning up.

"Natsu," I moan his name, "please take me outside?" I beg. He doesn't respond to me. Finally I sit up and push myself up from the couch, which was evidently a bad idea since I got really dizzy and stumbled over myself. I started falling but landed on Natsu's arm. I giggle finding that oddly fun. I move to do it again but Natsu grabs a hold of me.

"Luce, you need to go to bed," he sighs.

"But I'm hot! I can't sleep!" I protest. Groaning in defeat he leads me outside, but doesn't release his grip on me. I close my eyes as the cold wind slides over my soft bare skin. I can feel Natsu's hands moving from my arms to my waist where he holds me while I stand on the porch. I found myself gently swaying. My head still spun slightly. And even in the cooler air I was still warm.

"Are you doing okay Lucy?" Natsu asks me quietly.

My tongue seems to have a mind of its own as I say, "You're really quiet, and you're never quiet Natsu." I felt his chest against my back as it shook in laughter.

"What's so funny?!" I shout, spinning to face him but regretting it as my face was less than an inch from his own. His eyes gleamed in a playful manner, and a shiver raced itself down my spine.

"You're what's funny Lucy. Or really it's your behavior," he laughs more.

"Shut up..." I mutter folding my arms.

I lean back against him completely and let myself relax. I find myself drifting between consciousness and sleep. Eventually Natsu sensed this and lifted me into his arms carefully. He carried me inside and to the bedroom where he placed me down before laying on the other side. I curl up against him before truly falling asleep.

When I woke up again my head hurt slightly but I seemed to have recovered fully. I sat up and stretched my stiffened muscles as a yawn overpowered me. I glance over my shoulder and see Natsu sleeping, his bare chest rising and falling with his even breaths. He looked innocent in his sleep--almost too innocent.

The second I got up off the bed his eyes shot open. I was a bit startled by his sudden movement. He rolled off the bed and yawned, running a hand through his messy salmon hair. I stared at him but quickly looked away blushing. I couldn't help but look at him. 'You forget I can hear your thoughts Luce.' I hear him chuckle.

"Quit listening to them!" I throw a pillow at him. He laughs harder and I get up and hurry past him into the living room.

"How about you tell me how you can hear them?" I ask folding my arms. He leans on the doorframe.

"Alright," he shrugs,"but you have to promise not to freak out," his tone was so serious my arms dropped. I nodded carefully and slowly. I wonder what it could possibly be to make him so serious.

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