5. sunday (pt. 2)

18 1 0

[ eunwoo just Did That™ (6) ]

binnie: okay but if you had to, would you rather eat a sandwich that has been on the ground for an indeterminate amount of time but it definitely looks dirty or lick minhyuk's foot after his back to back dance classes

ong no u didnt: what kind of sandwich tho

binnie: it doesnt matter

ong no u didnt: yeah it does
ong no u didnt: like what if the sandwich just had peanut butter on it? i wouldnt eat that
ong no u didnt: but if it was a strawberry and cream sandwich? bitch i'd pick that up no questions asked

binnie: okay, fine, the sandwich is ur fave kind of sandwich

ong no u didnt: then the sandwich

#1 army: sandwich

dontyeon: the sandwich
dontyeon: you know the options are supposed to be equally as gross, right
dontyeon: like why would i lick minhyuk's foot when i could just brush off the dirt and enjoy my sandwich

#1 army: yeah it was a really poor comparison

binnie: well excuse me i didnt think we were gonna get critical on this scenario abt sandwiches
binnie: okay then would you rather do something embarrassing in front of your crush or fall down a flight of stairs

ong no u didnt: im being personally victimized

dontyeon: what is the extent of my injuries from falling down the stairs

binnie: probably some bruising and maybe a broken bone if ur unlucky

#1 army: did anyone see me fall down the stairs

binnie: no

#1 army: stairs

ong no u didnt: stairs

dontyeon: stairs

#1 army: you're really bad at this

binnie: u do one then i give up

dontyeon: :O !!!!
dontyeon: i just had an idea

ong no u didnt: what is it

[ dontyeon ] changed [ binnie ]'s nickname to [ beanie baby ]

beanie baby: doyeon why

dontyeon: because it's cute
dontyeon: and binnie sound like beanie

#1 army: would you rather have songs stuck in your head but u cant recall any of the lyrics, just the instrumentals so you cant find out what song it is or have every single vending machine be out of your preferred choice when ur craving it
#1 army: i want ur reasoning too

beanie baby: that's just cruel
beanie baby: the song tho
beanie baby: i cant survive w/o snacks

dontyeon: vending machine
dontyeon: i feel like my life would become that shinee snl skit if i had a song stuck in my head
dontyeon: I'd have to ride the rhythm

ong no u didnt: vending machine
ong no u didnt: i need to stop spending money and that would help tbh

cha cha slide: Everyone, Sanha is touring campus on Monday and I wanted to add him to the group chat so he could ask any questions he might have about campus or classes. Would that be okay?

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