7. tuesday

9 1 0

[ ong seongwoo ] created a chat with [ ??? ]

ong seongwoo: hi
ong seongwoo: so idk if this is weird or not..
ong seongwoo: but your number is on the wall of bathroom stall at the university i go to
ong seongwoo: and i know i shouldnt be texting numbers randomly scrawled on bathroom walls
ong seongwoo: especially because it has "for a good time call" with a winky face and an arrow pointing to your number
ong seongwoo: because, realistically, it could actually be a sex hotline. like isnt that usually their tagline?
ong seongwoo: like I've never called a sex hotline before but i did see a movie about it once but it made me cry, it was actually a pretty good movie
ong seongwoo: okay but back to the point
ong seongwoo: i dont know if your number was put here with you knowledge so im here, letting u know
ong seongwoo: but if u meant for it to be there, i apologize & u can ignore this
ong seongwoo: okay bye

???: can you send a picture of it so i know who to murder

ong seongwoo: uhh that's not ominous at all but sure
ong seongwoo: [bathroomstallwall.png]
ong seongwoo: there ya go

???: thank you. if you find an obituary in the school newspaper tomorrow dont be surprised

ong seongwoo: i feel,, as if i should be concerned
ong seongwoo: but i take it you are not, in fact, a sex hotline?

???: no, i am not. i'm a college student, we go to the same college, actually. i mean, I'm assuming we go to the same college and you are also a college student. and if i was a sex hotline, wouldn't you be having a "good time" by now?

ong seongwoo: yes, i am also a college student, and we probably do go to the same college? yecheneung? the arts one?
ong seongwoo: and hHHMmm i guess that is true
ong seongwoo: but who says I'm not having a good time right now? honestly this has been the highlight of my week so far

???: yeah, i go to yecheneung too
???: also i dont know how to respond to that. has your week really been that bad and/or boring so far that the highlight of it has been texting a potential sex hotline number you got off a bathroom stall?

ong seongwoo: yeah pretty much
ong seongwoo: i mean im counting the start of the week as being monday, and nothing happened on monday so
ong seongwoo: sunday was a ride tho let me tell you

ong seongwoo: but uh if you want i could like scribble your number out?? like i was going to ask earlier but we got off topic there for a moment
ong seongwoo: and i mean not right now because i dont have anything to write with on me but i will definitely come back after my class and do it

???: yes please, i would be forever grateful

ong seongwoo: oh wait i just found a sharpie in my jacket pocket
ong seongwoo: how convenient

ong seongwoo: [bathroomstallwall2.png]
ong seongwoo: proof of my good deed

???: thank you
???: i just realized we never exchanged names

ong seongwoo: we should use aliases
ong seongwoo: bc u know, stranger danger
ong seongwoo: u might be a cool dude but like..i've only known you for like 15 mins and i there was a moment where i thought u really were a sex hotline
ong seongwoo: so i will now be known as

[ ong seongwoo ] changed their nickname to [ minhyuk ]

minhyuk: bc it's a generic name
minhyuk: i could be a n y b o d y

???: or it could be your real name you're just trying to throw me off?

minhyuk: oh my god that's actually really smart

[ minhyuk ] changed their nickname to [ kim jongin ]

kim jongin: TA-DA

???: as in, kai from exo?

kim jongin: u guessed it
kim jongin: man i wish i was really him tho like

???: yeah, he's really cool

[ ??? ] changed their nickname to [ peter parker ]

kim jongin: sPIDERMAN
kim jongin: you're a nerd

peter parker: yes? can i not enjoy quality entertainment
peter parker: also not to intrude or anything, but is there a reason you've been in a bathroom (assuming you're still in there) for the last 20 minutes? because i'm being to become slightly concerned

kim jongin: well,, you see,,,,,,
kim jongin: it may be a childish thing to say, but i'm hiding from my crush
kim jongin: (also lowkey skipping class bc it is boring af but that's besides the point)

peter parker: why are you hiding from your crush?

kim jongin: bc i embarrassed myself in front of him and now i cant face him

peter parker: c'mon, it couldn't have been that bad

kim jongin: oh,,,, it was
kim jongin: and please dont ask what i did bc i do not want to relive the worst moment of my life ever again. i already did it once but that was bc i needed my friends to feel my pain
kim jongin: but 0/10 do not want to do again

peter parker: then i won't ask

kim jongin: thank u spiderman,,, u kind soul
kim jongin: but now i need to ask
kim jongin: how have you been talking to me for the past 22 minutes
kim jongin: it's the middle of the day, don't you have class or smth?

peter parker: i did, but i got injured during class so now i am at the hospital

kim jongin: oH My god
kim jongin:are you okay?
kim jongin: it's not anything bad is it?

peter parker: i don't think so. I mean, my wrist was already slightly injured and I just landed on it wrong

kim jongin: landing on things wrong is how you break wrists my friend
kim jongin: i know this because that's exactly how my friend broke his wrist
kim jongin: it was just a fracture tho, nothing too major
kim jongin: but still broken

peter parker: you're not wrong. It doesn't hurt a lot, but they did give me some pain medication

kim jongin: well that's good
kim jongin: at least they're not leaving you to suffer

peter parker: i think that's against hospital policy, for patients to suffer. unless it's because that's the treatment, like not being able to eat for 24 hours so they can do scans and stuff

kim jongin: u right

peter parker: oh, the doctor came back, i should probably go

kim jongin: alright
kim jongin: catch u later peter man
kim jongin: spider parker
kim jongin: you know what i meant
kim jongin: dont injure anymore wrists

peter parker: i'll try not to 

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