20. saturday

10 0 0

[ lets hope this works (12) ]

park woojin: so how do we think they're doing in there

moon bin: idk i sent seongwoo a text that said "good luck there's food in the cupboard just in case ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)" and he didnt respond so

ha sungwoon: that leaves two options:
ha sungwoon: daniel's either been brutally murdered by seongwoo
ha sungwoon: or they're making out
ha sungwoon: there is no inbetween it has to be one of those

hwang minhyun: Hyung it's only been five minutes

ha sungwoon: yes and your point is?

park woojin: highkey still cant believe this actually worked

choi yoojung: why did you ever doubt me

jung sewoon: we dont actually know if it worked tho
jung sewoon: it's like schrodinger's cat

kim jaehwan: whose cat

cha eunwoo: Erwin Schrodinger, the scientist.
cha eunwoo: We won't know if the cat is dead or alive unless we open the box.

kim jaehwan: I'm lost

cha eunwoo:

kim doyeon: what he means is we wont know what's going on in there until we open the door to check on what has happened

yoon jisung: on the topic of opening the door
yoon jisung: who's gonna check on them bc we cant leave them in there forever

choi yoojung: more importantly who's gonna unlock the practice room
choi yoojung: bc no one gave me the keys

yoon jisung: what keys

park minhyuk: the door locks every time you close it

hwang minhyun: Did no one get the keys from Dongho?

yoon jisung: who was supposed to get them

moon bin: oh shit
moon bin: me
moon bin: i knew i was forgetting something

kim doyeon: it's okay we all make mistakes
kim doyeon: you more than others

moon bin: okay wow rude

choi yoojung: it's the truth tho

yoon jisung: minhyun if you have a moment to spare can you please get the keys from dongho

hwang minhyun: I have to tutor someone soon
hwang minhyun: Sorry Hyung :(

yoon jisung: it's okay

park jihoon: wouldn't going to the public safety office be quicker than tracking down dongho?

park minhyuk: oh you stupid fucking idiot

park jihoon: fucking fight me park

park woojin: hey
park woojin: Calm Down

ha sungwoon: minhyuk's got a point like the public safety person will have to come with you to unlock the room bc they just cant hand out keys to rooms and you probably would've fed them some excuse about locking your backpack in the room or something? so when they do unlock the room there's either gonna be a dead body in there or a new couple making out
ha sungwoon: and then it'll just be embarrassing for everybody involved

moon bin: shit u right

jung sewoon: okay better plan: who is on campus with no previous engagement at the moment besides yoojung

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