13. saturday (pt. 3)

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[ that piano cat vine (2) ]

cat dad: hyung i think i fucked up

#1 mom: ??? how
#1 mom: what did you do

cat dad: you know how i went to that party last night?

#1 mom: yeah
#1 mom: is everything okay?
#1 mom: did something happen?
#1 mom: do you want me to come over?

cat dad: no hyung i'm fine
cat dad: but something did kind of happen? everything is just confusing and i didnt know who else to talk to. i mean, i could talk to minhyun, but i want to talk to someone who's unbiased

#1 mom: oh daniel
#1 mom: I'm always here to talk, okay?
#1 mom: what's troubling you?
#1 mom: also why would minhyun be biased

cat dad: it's kind of a long story

#1 mom: i have l i t e r a l l y nothing else to do on this fine saturday afternoon
#1 mom: lay it on me

cat dad: okay
cat dad: thanks, by the way

#1 mom: yeah man it's no problem

cat dad: okay so it kind of starts my freshman year? but not really, like that is not where this problem is focused, but that's where it kind of began. so i took intro to english and there was this guy in my class that (at the time) i didnt know i was attracted to, since this was like pre my self discovery. i just thought i really wanted to be bros or whatever
cat dad: but obviously i was an idiot and basically did nothing. pined from afar without realizing that i was pining, but then fast forward two years and there's this dude in my english literature class that looks weirdly familiar
cat dad: anyways, you know what happens from there with that but something else happened. you know how sungwoon put my number on that bathroom stall? some guy texted me to let me know it was there and we talked a little bit and i found out he goes to yecheneung (i mean, obviously, where else would he go that he would be on the fourth floor of the language building at 11am) and we kinda become pseudo-friends
cat dad: but then the party happens and find out that the person i've been texting is actually seongwoo, because he drunk texts me meaning to text someone else (i think, like i'm pretty sure he meant to text his friend yoojung, you know the one who got his textbook from me) while he was at the same party last night and obviously im concerned so i go to check on him only to find out that he is seongwoo. as in, the guy from my intro to english and english literature classes

#1 mom: OH

cat dad: yeah

#1 mom: sorry it just hit me like a bus
#1 mom: wow this is wild
#1 mom: okay continue sorry for interrupting

cat dad: it's okay
cat dad: but he was absolutely smashed so i couldnt just leave him by himself? like what if he threw up and choked on it and died or something? like i'd feel semi responsible for his death if that happened
cat dad: so i made him drink lots of water and moved him from the bathtub he was occupying to minki-hyung's futon downstairs and...some stuff..happened.....but now that i think about last night i feel like i messed up, like big time

#1 mom: what kind of stuff?
#1 mom: daniel did you...

cat dad: no no no it isn't like that
cat dad: seongwoo-hyung tried to kiss me, but i wouldn't let him since he was drunk and i think he mistook me rejecting his drunk advances as him rejecting him. like i didnt want to let him kiss me in case he tried to take it further because then i would've felt like i was taking advantage of him
cat dad: but i did sleep on the same futon as him in case something happened so i could be there in case of emergency but when i woke up, he wasnt there

#1 mom: are you sure he just didn't have somewhere to be? or maybe he wanted to get over the horrible hangover he must have in his own bed? it is like noon, who says he isn't just in a bathroom relieving himself? there's no need to panic about this
#1 mom: also why couldn't you talk to minhyun about this?

cat dad: because minhyun is roommates with seongwoo-hyung

#1 mom: ah
#1 mom: well why don't you just wait it out? wait for seongwoo to reach out to you first and if he doesn't then you reach out to him

cat dad: thanks hyung

#1 mom: no problem kid
#1 mom: it's what i'm here for

cat dad: remind me to treat you to something later okay? seriously you deserve it for being such a great hyung

#1 mom: oh daniel you flatter me

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- cat dad >> daniel
- #1 mom >> jisung

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