Chapter 16

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"I don't think I will ever get used to flying." Alessia looked at the plane as they walked out of it. "Especially not on a private plane."

"Well you will have to because this will not be the last time." Paris put her arm around her friend's shoulders. "I plan on spoiling you and show a lot more places in the world than just boring Los Angeles."

"You do?" Alessia asked not quite believing her but also she knew Paris could and would easily do it.

"Of course! Now come," she grabbed her friend's hand and turned to look at the plane. "Riley hurry the fuck up!"

"I'm going god, can you calm down and stop yelling?" A grumpy Riley said while putting some shades on and walking down the plane.

"Didn't sleep good?" Paris asked.

"Of course I didn't, those seats are uncomfortable to sleep on." The shorter girl grunted.

"There was a bed in the room."

"There was a room?" Alessia asked this time.

"Oh right... I forgot about that."

Paris turned to the questioning Scottish girl and answered her, "Yes, there was one in the back. I forgot to show it you."


There was a car waiting for them — the chauffeur helped them load their bags into the back of the trunk before they got on the car. Inside they rode in silence — no matter if Paris and Riley were in somewhat good terms now it didn't mean that it was not awkward to make conversation at times as they didn't have much to talk about either way.

"Do you still have the apartment down town?" Paris asked Riley.

She glanced at Alessia briefly and noticed her too busy looking out of the window of the car with her headphones on.

"Yeah, I have been living here, not in New York. I was too lazy to sell the place so I just stayed," she shrugged.

Paris could only nod at that, "I'll tell the chauffeur to drive you there."

"Where will you two stay at?" Riley questioned when she saw Paris move to tell the chauffeur.

"I have a condo not that far from your place, we will just stay there. It's not like we are going to be here for that long anyways." Paris knocked on the window that separated the driver from the backseats and told him the adress of Riley's place before sitting back down.

Riley was still looking at her but she didn't turn to look back at her. "How long are you two staying here then?"

"Not sure — maybe two weeks."

Riley nodded and didn't say anything else. Some part of Paris believed that the other girl was not totally over their relationship—scratch that she most likely wasn't so after spending the holidays together what they now needed again was distance. Just not that extreme as before.

Paris knew befriending an ex was not a bright idea as many times it doesn't ends up good— but she couldn't just leave Riley on her own and something told her that if she did it she would live to regret it and she was done regretting her actions.

"Ms. LaRue we are here." The chauffer announced and she saw Riley already grabbing her stuff to exit the car — Alessia had now her earphones off and was about to go out as well since she was on the door side.

Riley looked at her with a strange look before giving her a small smile, "Bye Paris."

"Bye Riles," Paris returned the smile and she exited the car.

When Alessia returned to the car the chauffeur drove away towards our apartment for the meantime. Paris had told Skylar that she was already back in Los Angeles but her bestfriend hasn't answered none of her messages — which is weird. She knows that Skylar is here as well since she spent the holidays with Summer at her girlfriend's parents place.

The drive was short as she had previously said. The chauffeur had helped them to get their bags inside to the elevator and up to the apartment. Alessia looked perplexed all the way inside and up — but she has been like that ever since boarding the jet so she let her be.

Once they got to their floor they took their bags themselves and after generously tipping the chauffeur—Paris sent him on his way. Alessia followed her to the door of the apartment and watched as she unlocked it.

"This place is... big. I've been in the city a couple of times but I've never been inside a building this big or... expensive looking." Alessia finally spoke.

"This is nothing love, I'll show you around the city tomorrow." Paris winked at her before opening the door. "You can enter now."

Alessia did as told and entered the spacious apartment and Paris followed behind. She has someone come clean it every month and made sure to have the fridge restocked yesterday.

"Where do I put my things?" Alessia asked while looking around the place.

Paris walked behind her and hugged her from the back. "Well you can sleep with me if you want," she mumbled against her neck.

"I'm serious you dafty."

She chuckled, kissed her friend's cheek and stepped back, "The room before the end of the hall at the right, it has it's own private bathroom. Make yourself at home."


Paris watched her disappear into the room and the walked off to the couch and slumped in it. There was some papers on the table, many of it being mail — she changed her adress from her apartment with Riley to this so ever since everything has ended up here. The people that come to clean up made sure every letter was stacked neatly over the table.

She grabbed them and went over each of them—from the older to the newest. It wasn't anything interesting just bills she had already paid and stuff like that.

Well that was until she got to the newest one. It was an invitation and in the outside read her name. She opened the envelope with pure curiosity on who might be inviting her and to what exactly.

When she opened and read it she was... shocked to who the person inviting her and to what event it was.

Paris never expected an invitation from him—less of all hearing from him ever again or meeting him. It's been years since last seeing each other.

But there big and clear written in the fancy invitations was it.

Her name Paris LaRue and by it's side it read that she had been cordially invited to the wedding of Jackson Merrick this month.


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