Chapter 42

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"Look at you, you look wonderful." Citra commented as she watched her daughter walk out of rehabilitation for the first time—and hopefully the last time.

Riley let her mother hug her and touch her face, it was an unusual thing between them so she wasn't bothered by it. Besides it was an important day, after a year and a half Riley had been cleared to go home and leave the rehab facility.

She should be happy but she felt absolutely terrified. Terrified of the world, terrified of herself and the choices she's free to make now that she's out. It was frightening.

"Aye, sure she does." Cassidy said as she shut the trunk of the car after loading it up with Riley's things. The Scottish girl walked their way and it was Riley that threw herself against her in a bone crushing hug. "We saw each other last week, I didn't think you'd miss me so much."

Riley didn't just miss her, she felt safer with her best friend, not as terrified as she was moments ago because she knew Cassidy had her back—that she would help her face the world again.

"I'm so glad you are here."

Cassidy reciprocated the hug with as much strength and sighed against her, "I've been here every step of the way, you doubt that'll be here in the most important one?"

Not for a moment.

"Let's go home, I slightly remodeled your room and mine and also some things in the living room since you didn't get the chance after buying the house. Hope you like them." Cassidy said as the three women entered the car, Riley settling for the back seat and leaving her mother to take the passenger seat while her friend drove.

"I trust your judgment." Riley said fastening her seatbelt—Cassidy giving her a smile through the rearview

"Do you know what you are going to do next?" Her mother asked as they made their way to the house. It was obvious the question was directed at Riley.

"I don't have a definitive answer for that, just that in the meantime I'll remain here in Italy." Riley answered. She wasn't ready to go back to Los Angeles or New York, she might never be ready, might never come back at all—she understood Paris now, understood her reasoning for leaving that life and starting anew somewhere far from all those bad memories, that's what she wanted to do now. She just wasn't sure she'd do that in Italy or elsewhere.

She had things to do and people to meet before making any decisions.

"There's no rush in knowing, you have a home here too anyway." Cassidy spoke up giving her a wink from the rearview. Her friend would never know how much relief it gave her that she backed her as much as she did.

"I have to come back to America in two days—I wish I could stay longer but I have matters that need me to be there, I don't have a way to get out of it. That's why I was hoping you would come with me... but I understand why you won't." The disappointment in her mom's voice was faint but Riley still caught up with it. She felt bad that she had sadden her mom, she was aware that her mother needed and wanted her by her side as much.

"Don't worry Citra I shall keep her company." Cassidy's smirk was impossible to not notice, even from the backseat of her car. Riley could only chuckle softly.

Riley almost didn't recognize the house, maybe because she hadn't spent much time in it, is been one and a half year since she last saw it but she could tell Cassidy had made more changes to it than what she said.

"Want help taking your things upstairs?" Cassidy offered.

"I got it." Riley said taking a hold of her bags and heading upstairs alone. She opened the door to her room and put her things inside by the door.

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