Chapter 22

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Two weeks passed since Alessia's grandmother incident, she had been released from the hospital after four days in it. She was prohibited from working—much to the older woman's dislike and reluctantly, she was forced to leave the bakery in the hands of her grandchildren.

Even Paris have joined the Knox's into handling the baker, the problem was the frenchwoman didn't know how to bake... or make coffee, or anything that required any type of culinary skills—but she did know how to manage a cash register.

She loved money, she could manage the register.

So that is what she did, meanwhile Alessia remained doing what she always did — Sean on the other hand went from register to the back to help his cousin. Cassidy also had started working at the bakery attending the tables, while Sean's parents took care of grandma Rose at home.

It was a team work... a dysfunctional team at that.

The Knox sisters were still awkward around each other, more so on Alessia's side—Cassidy was trying, it was obvious, but Alessia was a hard nut to crack, she had been wounded by her older sister for far too long, so it would take a while for them to get to a better place and Paris had faith that the two of them would.

Paris and Alessia were another story... the frenchwoman had opted to not bring up the subject of the status of their relationship during the recuperation of grandma Rose—she thought it would be insensitive of her... and even she had her limits of when to be an insensitive bitch— not that she would ever want to be one to Alessia —who— seemed to have had the same idea to put the subject on hold for the time being.

And so, they tried to carry on like it was before their feelings got tangled amongst each other, but at the same time it wasn't the same. Alessia would not come over to Paris' house to sleep, nor would they hug as much or cuddle... it was hell but she tried, the frenchwoman thought she could do it.

It proved to be more difficult than Paris thought. More than once she had wanted to grab Alessia and kiss her senseless, a need that grew more and more since their first kiss that night.

Did Paris understand her feelings for Alessia? Yes, she did and she wasn't shy or confused about it.

Only once she hasn't known what she wanted and that was long ago when she was a selfish teenager— well, a more selfish version of her. Paris was still selfish, she was well aware of that and maybe she will always be, but at least now she knew when to be and when not to.

Paris liked Alessia, too much to put into short sentences. She wanted her, wanted to give themselves a chance to see where they go as more than friends... if the Scottish girl would have her, of course.

Today was finally the day Paris will suck it up and confront her feelings for Alessia, she couldn't keep avoiding the subject, it was driving her insane. So she had decided on doing so the moment she woke up.

"Think we are done for the night." Cassidy announced looking through the window and flickered the open sign to closed.

"Aye, think we are." Sean agreed.

Paris started helping Cass to arrange the chairs and tables, while Sean wiped the counters and got rid of the few pastries left by packing them so anyone who wanted could take one home. Alessia though, remained at the back in the kitchen.

"I know that face, you should go talk to her." Cassidy's eyes met her's.

Paris shook her head, letting a hand run through her black hair. "I want to but... I don't think she wants to talk to me," she was starting to have second thoughts about her plan.

"She probably doesn't, Alessia never wants to confront things, she rather just stay quiet and hide until the problems go away. It doesn't work. So you've got to go there and initiate the conversation." Cassidy took a hold of the frenchwoman's arms and turned her around in the opposite direction.

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