Chapter 37

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"She's watching you from across the room, go talk to her." Riley nudged Cassidy who shrugged her off.


"Why not?" She frowned at her friend who just continued sipping her coke while they watched the unknown band play. It was some local band that they didn't know the name of —or at least Riley didn't— and Cassidy thought it would be fun to attend to.

"I'm here with you." Cassidy responded.

"Who cares, I'm a grown girl and we have spent a whole three months together. It's time you have some fun of your own. Now that french girl has been eye fucking for the past hour, go to her!" Riley pushed Cassidy forward—to the Scot's dislike.

"Aye, but stay here. I'll be back." Cassidy pointed at her.

"You got it, now go and get some." Riley smirked at her friend's clear annoyance.

They had been traveling Europe for a little more than three months—Riley even had to manage to get her visa extended since she was only allowed for three months. So she bought a house in the north of Italy while they were there. Easiest way and why not? She could afford the luxury.

Cassidy thought she was out of her mind for it. Who didn't have any issue staying in Europe since she had dual citizenship her dad's mom —meaning her grandmother— being from Germany, so she had both passports.

Now here they are in the south of France—Marseille in the middle of a concert of people they don't know, with Cassidy now trying to find someone to spend the night with.

While Riley stared at her phone in wait of a text back from Heather.

She's been waiting for a reply all day—but she understands Heather is busy with university... doesn't make her less desperate but she understands.

They have been texting almost every day since Riley left Scotland, they had build a friendship... yes there are more feelings involved but they have stablished a friendship first and foremost, which she's glad.

On the other hand her mother calls her at least every week, she still gets worried. Riley has failed to tell her that she has relapsed twice during the trip. Cassidy was a big help, the Scottish woman was her rock, she kept Riley grounded and for that she had become her best friend.

Riley passed through the crowd and found an available table to sit at.

It didn't pass ten minutes until a guy invited himself into the table and sat across her. Riley rolled her eyes at the audacity of men. "Move along french boy je ne parle pas français—fuck off."

Years of dating Paris LaRue did leave some french words stuck in her.

He put his arms up, "Excuse moi, I do not come with bad intentions—just wondering why such a beautiful girl is sat alone."

"I don't care about your intentions, you speak english so you know what fuck off means. Now get the hell out of my table."

"I can see why you were alone, putain." He muttered the last word.

"Bon-voyage freak." Riley flicked him off as he walked away from her table.

She was now pissed off—pissed off and the abstinence was kicking her ass... she didn't tell Cassidy that, she couldn't otherwise she wouldn't have accepted to come here tonight and Riley didn't want to ruin her fun.

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