Chapter 21

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Paris hated hospitals, the last time she had been in one was the day Elena was born, before it that it had been when her grandfather died. She was only twelve when it happened, yet she remembers him every day dearly—he was her best friend and biggest ally in a household where her father never gave her a break.

Thanks to that she has hated hospitals ever since.

"Will she be alright?" Paris asked while she stared at the door where Alessia had disappeared into to see her grandmother.

"The doctors said she will have to stop working, but aye... she will be okay." Cassidy responded, tiredness evident on her face—black bags under her eyes.

Paris nodded, relieved to hear that, "And you? How are you doing?"

"Me? I'm great, don't worry lass." Cassidy tried to downplay how she truly was, but Paris wasn't having it.

Cassidy have been there when it happened—she had witnessed her grandmother —the woman who raised her and her sister— having a heart attack, she had been the one to call the ambulance and be the one waiting in the hospital all by herself till Alessia and Paris arrived. Sean had gone with his parents to Dublin, so there was no other person than the eldest Knox sister to deal with the situation.

"Cassidy don't try to bullshit me, how are you really feeling?" Paris insisted.

The blonde bit the inside of her cheek and looked up to the ceiling, blinking several times. "Shaken up, still scared... filled with guilt."

"Guilt? Cass, this is not your fault."

She shook her head, a forced smile on her face, "I know that but... I think and I imagine that, what if it was Alessia that would have had to deal with this alone? What if I wasn't home because I chose to go wander around the world—because I couldn't stand somewhere that reminded me of my parents? I am a terrible sister, no surprise Alessia hates me."

"Alessia doesn't hates you—"

"She does and she should—she needed me, her older sister and I knew that... and I still left her the first chance I could. That is not what family does, you don't bail on each other... and I did." Cassidy wiped the tears that had escaped her eyes, after letting all those bottled words finally be free.

"You once told me Alessia wasn't capable of hating someone." Paris recalled the time she had voiced her insecurities to the other girl about Alessia ending up hating her someday.

"Aye, I was lying, she can hate one person—me."

"She doesn't hate you," Paris repeated herself. "Is she angry at you? Yes she is, but you are here now Cassidy, you can fix your relationship with her if you try."

"Easier said than done." Cassie rolled her eyes.

"Didn't say it would be easy." Paris stared at the Knox sister, taking in her still shaken up state and tear stained cheeks, before opening her arms. "Come here," she motioned with her head.

Cassidy looked at her suspiciously, but eventually broke and welcomed the act of comfort from the french. Cassie didn't remember the last time she had been hugged, not even during Christmas did it happen, the rest of her family is not fond of her either—never had been in all honesty. She believed that was the reason her parents gave her so much attention, but Cassidy knew that, that also affected her relationship with her younger sister.

"I noticed you and Alessia were acting off with each other when you got here. What was that about?" Cassidy commented breaking away from the hug, yet Paris's arm remained around her.

"I don't think now is the right moment to talk about it."

The blonde raised her brows, stunned by the response, her mouth then falling open and her eyes widened. "You did not.."

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