Chapter 35

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"I will see you soon then?" Cassidy questioned as they walked out of the train station.

"You will, give me a day or two then we can continue our trip to Ireland if you are still up for it." Riley responded as they now strolled through the town's streets.

"Are you going to go see your lassie?" Cassidy teased with a smirk.

"She's... Heather is not my nothing other than my friend." Riley knew she was blushing and she couldn't do anything other than roll her eyes.

"Aye for now."

"For a long while... I need to get myself together and get fully over Paris first." Riley looked at the stone sidewalk as they went.

"I forgot that tiny detail." Cassidy bit her lip and fished inside her coat pocket for her cigarettes and lighter. "You know what you gotta do to get over her?"

"What?" Riley watched as she lit up the cigarette and blew smoke.

"You get someone else under you... or on top of you, however you like it."

She shook her head, "I don't want to fuck someone else."

"Aye I see you are hung up on Heather despite meeting her five minutes ago, I get that. But you said you don't want her to be a rebound, so find yourself someone to fuck and then go after her." Cassidy inhaled smoke.

Riley sighed and stopped walking, "It's not just about the rebound thing. I... I slip into alcohol too often, too easily... that's not a part of me I want to make her deal with."

"Riley listen I understand that, who wouldn't want to give the best of them to the one person they like? But the addiction... that is a part of you now, an ugly part yes. You won't be able to hide it forever as much as you don't want Heather or anyone else that you get with to see it."

"I know that. I just want to be more stable when I do so, I relapse too often too easily. I'm not anywhere near of where I want to be right now." She explained.

Cassidy nodded, "Have you thought about rehab?"

"I don't want to be locked up in a psych ward." Riley responded with hostility.

"It's not a psych ward."


"Aye got it, I won't mention it again."

"I'm sorry, didn't mean to sound rude." Riley apologized.

"It's okay. You do you and I'll... follow your lead."

"Follow my lead?" Riley frowned in confusion—she didn't quiet understand what Cassidy meant by that.

"Aye..." Cassidy stomped on the last of her cigarette. "You ain't getting rid of me so easily, you got me hooked up."

"Just a few days of traveling with me made you come to that conclusion?" Riley couldn't help but be skeptical.

"You did pay for the hotels." Cassidy joked with a smile.

Riley rolled her eyes and pushed her with her side.

"I maybe happen to enjoy your company... and I don't have anything going on for myself other than being here while my sister gives me hateful glances every day. I need a break too." The sadness in her last words was visible in Cassidy's big blue eyes.

"Then I guess we are in for a ride." Riley gave her a smile.

She was starting to think her and Cassidy are not so different after all. Both seemed to be lonely, sad and... misunderstood.

"But now we part ways... for a bit." Cassidy looked at the familiar hotel that Riley had been staying over at during her time in Scotland.

"Try not to me miss me much." Riley teased her.

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