Chapter 32

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"Mom I'm staying one more week." Riley walked around her hotel suite with her phone in hand.

"Why is that? You were supposed to come back today." Her mother was already worried about her trip and it was only three days... she didn't want to imagine how a whole week will make her feel.

"I just had an unexpected change of plans." She muttered looking through the window of her suite.

"Did you and Paris get back together?" Her mother questioned.

As if. That is never going to happen, not when Paris found love with someone else already... and Riley, she hasn't love yet, but she found a new interest.

"No. Paris is dating someone else. I... I'm going to travel around Scotland, get to know the land and all, maybe I'll visit Ireland too." She didn't want to tell her mother she had... met someone that had peaked her interest enough to prolong her stay. Lying was easier, if anything happens she'll tell her mother.

In these days she will have to travel to make it credible though.

"I see. Well, whatever makes you happy. How are you doing?" She knew what her mother was implying with the question.

"I'm doing well enough. I haven't drank if that's what you were wondering... I almost did, but I didn't a friend helped me." Riley confessed, she had already told a lie to her mom, she didn't want to add another one.

"Thank you for telling me, Riley. That friend sounds like someone worth keeping."

"I guess she is." She muttered.

Cassidy was nice, she knew how to read Riley even though they have just met a couple of times — however she could not decipher the Scot, one moment she would seem uncaring and cold and the other... she cared and joked, she was unpredictable to her. Riley wasn't sure if they were friends at all yet, but Cassidy has so far helped her twice in two days.

"I have to go now. I have meetings to tend to, I will call you again tomorrow." Her mom said.

Of course she will.

"Sure bye mom." She hung up and went to the balcony of her suite and sat on the chair that was outside.

Riley had been avoiding Paris since yesterday—when she noticed she had arrived on the bakery after Heather had left she followed suit and fled as well. It still hurt to have found out like she did about Paris and Alessia the way she did.

She was aware that her ex didn't owe her anything... but it would have been good to have a heads up and not just catch her and Alessia eating their faces off.

So she ignored the texts and calls, she got from Paris. Riley wasn't in the mood for a confrontation, she must have figured out by now the reason of her being avoided. Maybe all those texts were about it—she wouldn't know, she didn't bother opening them.

She hasn't texted Heather either... she wasn't sure how soon was good enough to text her without seeming desperate— however she didn't want to seem disinterested either.

Riley glanced at her phone over the cristal round table that was in front of her and grabbed it. "Fuck it," she muttered.

She sent a text to Heather letting her know it was her and she was shocked when she got a reply almost instantly.



I didn't think you would text.

Why wouldn't I?

I asked for your number, didn't I?

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