Chapter 1

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-mentions of suicide
-mentions of anxiety
-self hatred
Third person POV
They did it again.
They left him out again.
He hugged his knees to his chest and tears slid down his face, he knew they didn't mean it, but it hurt it hurts like hell to keep smiling when they called him an idiot or made fun of his grade. Even though that hurt him that wasn't the problem, today was different, today Mina got amusement park tickets. Now he was very much excited to go since he had never went before, but then Mina announced she only got them for sero,krirhsima,bakugou her and jirou. And his mood immediately dialed down, this wasn't the first time they have left him out but he actually liked the amusement park from what he seen or heard from other people, did they really care for him? Or was he just there to entertainment.

He sat in his room palms sweaty and his fluffy green hair sticking to his forehead, he thought he was over it, he thought he could move on for gods sake. He is U.A. for god sakes, so why does the nightmares of his mother sobs still rack his brain or the venom in the name deku still kept him up at night. Everyone from middle school and everyone here, even if he was in UA and probably one of the next big three he couldn't help but let the words rack his brain.
He was nothing but a
Worthless deku

Izuku couldn't take it anymore, he had to be freed from his room. With how he was feeling right now it felt like the all might posters were looking down at him in disappointment. Denki stood on his balcony looking down on the ground, though he was getting the fresh air but it wasn't enough for him he wanted to be higher, while looking down to the ground. Now denki wasn't suicidal not in the least, he had no reason to be so he wasn't. He was just overreacting as his mother told him all the time.
Izuku threw on some all black clothing and walked out his room towards the lobby, this wouldn't be izuku first time sneaking up to the roof he did it once or twice before but it was nothing serious and it wasn't after curfew.
Denki gave up on trying to get fresh air and moved on to sleep, which by how It was going he wasn't getting that either. So now he could do the next big thing, which was go on the roof. But he always got thoughts on the roof, but it also made him feel better after he came down. Denki rolled his eyes and sat up on his bed, at this he didn't care right now he was going to the roof.
Izuku sat at the edge of the roof looking over the valley letting his kit so innocent thoughts cloud his mind, izuku hated the fact that wherever he was as long as he was alone the thoughts would never leave. Izuku sighed and hugged his knees tighter to his chest and looked towards the sky.
The door to the roof opened and izuku cranked his neck to see who it was , he didn't know what he was expecting but it wasn't a smileless denki his the aurora that surrounded him was more feral then todoroki's. Izuku shivered who was this denki and why did izuku not feel threatened by his presence " kaminari~kun?" izuku asked.

Hi!hey anyways idk where I'm going with this I just wanted to write some izukami friendship and yeah so if your reading this hoped you liked it

IM out~🥰✨

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