chapter 25

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third person pov

for the next two classes denki didnt think about his dilemma with his class, instead his mind drifted off to the conversation he had with monoma. he thought about the fact that after this period he would be going to the real shinsou's room. He thought about the fact that monoma only insulted him once during their conversation and that was when he cracked a joke about the villian toga. denki thought for a minute, he was thinking alot it seems.

the bell runf and he looked towards shinsou instinctively, who was in his own world mindlessly packing his things in his bookbag. denki grabbed his things and decided to go over to shinsou this time, "hey shinsou" denki said cheerfully. shinsou glanced at him " hi kaminari" shinsou said not so cheerfully, but denki noted he didnt't have a bothered tone to him just a tired one. denki stood there quietly while shinsou packed the rest of his things up. " hey kami" denki turned his head to see sero waving at him from across the room. denki decided to give him a big smile and lifted his arms to do a big wave back. "im ready to go" shinsou said, slinging his bookbag onto his back, denki smiled while his insides were freaking out.

they walked silently to shinsou's dorm, denki made no move to talk, which honestly surprised shinsou a bit because Kaminari usually had no trouble starting a conversation with others, especially him. but shinsou didn't feel awkward non the less but he doesn't know if he could say the same about kaminari. once they got to his dorm shinsou felt a bit anxious of someone other than izuku seeing his room but of course he wouldn't tell kaminari that. so he just stood idle while kaminari looked around his room. "i really like your room, it's like the embodiment of a nap" denki said which made shinsou crack a smile. "how i wish" he mumbled loud enough for denki to hear. "must not get alot of sleep huh" denki asked as he set his bag down and plopped in one of shinsou's many bean bag chairs he had scattered all over the room.

"yeah i have bad insonmia, which starts up a whole bunch of other problems with my body, always sore and always having a headache" shinsou grumbled, flopping his self onto his own bed. " god dude that sounds horrid, i mean yeah i barely sleep but that's because of my quirk" denki said thinking about himself going through those things, which caught shinou's attention. "you have insomnia " shinsou asked, raising an eyebrow in the process, denki smiled "yeah, electricity flowing to your brain 24/7 does that to you, but i personally believe that electricity flowing through my body 24/7 makes my body immune-" denki sudddenly stopped talking, he looked like he had more to say though. "you can continue" shinsou urged which made denki blush. he shook his head averting his eyes to the ground. " nah we should probably get started" denki said changing the topic, which shinsou did take note of, but he complied. "Your right, but I have to get changed first" shinsou said as he walked towards the closet, denki flushed a bit at the thought of shinsou changing right there, of course its not like this would be his first time seeing shinsou shirtless seeing as they've had to change in the locker room together. but still, this was totally different in his head and he had a feeling shinsou knew what he was doing.

shinsou did not infact know what he was doing, he just wanted to get comfortable. which he did in a black tank top and basketball shorts. denki averted his eyes for most of it, but would you blame him if he peek when shinsou took his shirt off? "alrighty lets get started" shinsou said plopping in the bean bag chair next to denki's. " hey shinsou" " yeah?" "you know your acting all, different" denki said as straigtforward as he could be. but he knew he would have to explain it more by the look shinsou gave him. " your like more relaxed around me, and i dont know engaaging in conversation with me, which is the total opposite of what you usually do." denki explained further. shinsou didn't look offended or anything, he just nodded his head in agreement. "you saved my life, so im not oppose into getting to know you. like a thanks" shinsou said simply. denki smiled widely "come to think of it i would use that to make you hang out with me mr. 'i didnt come here to make friends" denki said mindless. shinsou rolled his eyes " dont push it" he grumbled and denki would have thought it was serou if he didn't notice the corners of shinsou mouth pulling upwards.

"okay i think we can call it a night" shinsou said while dropping his pencil on a bunch of papers. denki did a big sigh of relief as he loudly slammed the book shut. He fell back onto the ground and closed his eyes "dude my brain is literally crying" denki complained which made shinsou chuckle. Denki smiled at the sound of his laughter, "you're not so bad" shinsou muttered and denki sat up. "Well thank you, your not so bad your self you know, we should hang out more" shinsou was silent for a minute, which made denki want to eat his words. But shinsou offered a small smile,

"Maybe we should"

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