Chapter 6

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Third person POV
Izuku laid in his bed starring at the ceiling, he just got done with his study session with denki and shouto a few hours ago, so now he was left alone in his thoughts. So now he was left alone to let the problems of today consuming him. Izuku laid in his bed looking at the ceiling, until izuku eyes slowly closed.

"I'm so sorry izuku I'm so so sorry"

"You can never be a hero deku no matter what you do"

"I'm sorry young midoriya but a quirkless like you cannot be a hero"

"I'm disappointed in you midoriya"

He could never do anything right, he could be a hero because he was quirkless, and he can't even live up to all might expectations because of how useless he is.

Kacchan was right

Mom I'm sorry

All might I'm sorry

I can't ever be great I'm just worthless.

Izuku woke up his face already wet with tears, they say you forget 50% of your dream when you wake up. But izuku can remember every detail, every moment his mother cries when he asked could he be a hero, every ghostly touch where bakugou's blast was let off of him. And the day allmight told him he couldn't be a hero, no matter what has happened that day was always in graved into izuku memory. Not for the a good reason either, he still remember the heart break he felt when allmight told him he couldn't be a hero.Izuku laid back in his bed not doing anything about how uncomfortable he felt, more tears fell out of his eyes as he clutched the pillow close to him.
Izuku didn't go back to sleep that night. Instead he cried until he zoned out.
The next morning in class izuku sat at his desk with his head down, he was exhausted and his mental state was all jumbled up, others thought it was not a good morning for izuku. But two particular people new better. Todoroki sat at his desk glancing every now and then at izuku sensing that his boyfriend was down. Denki could just tell by the way izuku acted it was Almost how he seen him on the roof. So he guessed it was a dream.
Class ended and denki was the first one up and out the class, but not before dropping a note on izuku desk. Who noticed immediately, izuku opened the note which he was not expecting 'talk to someone' izuku furred his eyebrows, why would he need to talk to someone what would he need to talk to someone for? "Izuku" someone said behind him, izuku turned around to see his very much so pretty boyfriend looking sad? "Shouto is everything okay" izuku asked shuffling to his boyfriend.
Shouto frowned "nothing is wrong with me but something is wrong with you" todoroki said frowning, izuku heart clenched he didn't want this he didn't want his boyfriend worrying over him. But saying he was fine didn't seem right,
'Don't do it'
'Your gonna regret telling him anything'
Thoughts racked izuku brain as he stared into Shouto eyes "Shouto I need to talk to you" izuku said finally breaking eye contact, he looked towards the door. Yet todoroki eyes never left izuku head "okay" todoroki said, and izuku breathed.
'He is gonna leave u''
'He won't stay'
'You have to many fucking problems going on with you'
'Your worthless you can't even amount to allmight so why would you think you can even reach Shouto feet'
Izuku shook the thoughts away, swallowing the fear and anxiety down his throat. It was now or never, izuku grabbed his stuff and put his backpack over his shoulder. Not expecting a warm hand to slip to slip in his, izuku looked up meeting todoroki warm eyes that seemed filled with. Love? Izuku blushes at the idea "come on we may have to leave soon" todoroki said and izuku nodded.
Denki sat a little bit from the classroom listening to the conversation, denki breathed at izuku sudden confidence to talk to his boyfriend. "Your a stalker now" someone said behind him, denki sighed then turned around just to be met with monoma neito the 'king of class 1-B' now monoma didn't think denki was one to snap back but he was very much wrong, "you must have been watching me long enough to come up with that" denki scoffed and monoma raised an eyebrow. "What are enough doing anyway" monoma asked and denki raised an eyebrow, "looking out for a classmate" denki said as he got up,
"Yeah whatever" monoma said as he walked away. Denki dusting his pants off and grabbed his stuff walking back to the dorm.

Hey people this chapter is really short and it really didn't turn out the way I wanted, I feel like I rushed izuku part a little bit- so like that's something I need to work on but the next chapterrrrr hm I don't know!

But I hoped you guys enjoyed this one

I'm out~~~~~~~❤️

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