Chapter 15

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Third person POV
"Young midoriya I expect better than this" allmight said once izuku and him were done with training "I'm sorry allmight but I'm trying my best" izuku said and allmight sighed "your best isn't doing anything you have to try harder" allmight said looking down at midoriya the disappointment basically dripping from his eyes, izuku sighed and nodded deciding whatever he says to plead his case was just not going to work, allmight sighed then turned around and left izuku in the training room, he didn't want to stop training though even though his body was tense already. the disappointed stare in allmight eyes were ingraved into him already. Izuku knees already felt like they were going to collapse.

After more hours of training, izuku limbs felt like they were going to fall off. He sat down on the ground to catch some type air, "mido?" Midoriya turned his head to the door. Denki stood at the doorway looking at izuku with concern, izuku gave denki a smile "hey your back, you never texted" izuku said standing up slowly, denki shrugged "I would if I was in a group chat to tell you guys I was okay, but are you good you look like your in pain" denki said, izuku was a little confused but put it off non the less. "I'm good im just a bit tired" izuku said while he avoided eye contact, denki stared at izuku. His bright gold eyes (yes gold shuddap) stared at izuku, midoriya wouldn't take denki as the intimidating type but he felt himself grow more nervous under his burning gaze "if I didn't know what exactly you were doing I would have fallen for that bullshit" denki said after moments of silence "w-what" midoriya asked. Denki waved his hand "meet me in my dorm after you get cleaned up I can help with whatever pain your in" denki said, then left. Izuku was beyond confused with the conversation that just took place, but if it could help with his sore heavy limbs he would do it.

denki sat in his dorm looking over his homework for the fifth time in this hour, sure he had completed it but it felt like he got everything wrong. he would ask for bakugou to check over his work but he didn't want to bother him more than he had too already with his presence. god what dumbass he was. a knock on denki's dorm snapped him out of his head, denki was confused for a minute before he remembered his run in with midoriya earlier that day. denki stood up from his chair and walked to his door unlocking it and opening it. midoriya looked like he'll pass out any second now "dude are you good" denki asked as he made more room for izuku to walk in. "y-yeah its just usually after training if i don't break anything its just get really hard to move you know? It's getting really stiff and its usually only in my hands in arms but ever since i been working on my kicks its been my whole body" izuku explained slowly. denki sighed "you can sit on my bed, but it sounds like your body is going over its limit, your quirk is powerful- we are only
in our first year mido you don't need to push yourself like this" denki said as he closed his door 'but i cant he would be so disappointed' izuku thought as he sat down. "you know your one to talk" midoriya said catching denki's attention. "oh really" denki questioned making eye contact with izuku "everytime we do quirk training you exceed over your limit every time and on top of that i see you in the training room after curfew the same day and if you tell me your not exhausted by it thats a goddamn lie'' izuku said, denki almost snorted "im not hurting myself in the process of it" denki said and izuku rolled his eyes "i highly doubt that" izuku said, denki rolled his eyes but didn't say anything "you came here for a reason right? your probably seconds away from passing out" denki said standing while standing up.

"you took a shower right" denki asked as he stared izuku's feet down, midoriya snorted "i would be a menace if i didn't, why are you eyeing my feet like that" izuku asked "feet are weird" denki said his eyes not leaving izuku's feet "seriously dude you need a paint job" denki said after a minute of looking his feet, "god i know but i can't keep my hand still for the life of me" izuku said. denki looked up and smirked "well good day for you, you get a free massage and paint job to think of it i need a new one" denki said as he walked towards izuku, "so what are you gonna do" izuku said to say he was curious was a understatement he has thought about denki's quirk for awhile. denki sat behind izuku and slowly set his hands in izukus hair "ill be sending small volts through your body to ease out your muscle's electricity does weird thing to your body mainly numb you if you go high enough" denki asked and izuku nodded "but can't that cause me pain instead" izuku asked worriedly "yes if i send it too the wrong spot, or send too much you will indeed feel alot of pain for awhile.... i know it sounds it concerning but i have alot of experience with this almost perfected it, we can stop if you feel worried" denki explained. midoriya was quiet for a minute denki was his classmate he even would go as far to consider him as his friend. "yeah....yeah i trust you go ahead" izuku said "thanks now relax" denki ordered and izuku complied.

izuku felt great, his body felt like his again the 'bricks' on his shoulder felt gone now, "mido?" denki asked from above him, "hm?" midoriya answered "are you okay dude" denki asked looking down at him "i feel like im in heaven" izuku said as he leaned back on denki, denki wasn't really affected by it since he himself was clingy person so he adored physical contact with others, "hey we'll continue the painting some other time you should go rest" denki said while patting izuku's head "to be honest with you kaminari- I don't even think I could get up if I wanted too" izuku muttered and denki laughed "yeah I figured you can sleep here if you want" denki suggested and izuku nodded. "No problem?" Izuku asked and denki shook his head "nope no problem"

Angst and fluff?

Tbh I'm not to proud with this chapter but I needed to updat for. You guys.

As always i hope you enjoy this chapter

I apologize for any mistakes I made

Remember eat your meals drink your water and stay safe

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