Chapter 4

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Third person POV

Denki walked in the classroom his eyes instantly scouting for a purple headed, once denki found his target he almost smiled.
Shinsou Hitoshi.
Denki stomach flew with butterflies, not many people knew he had a crush a on shinsou. In fact no one knew he liked shinsou, though it looked like denki couldn't keep shit under wraps that was far from the truth, I mean he managed to hide his whole life story and heritage for this long. So why couldn't he hide a meesly crush.
Except this wasn't any crush, it was denki falling in love, and he was aware of the fact that shinsou didn't like him back. Denki didn't even know if they were friends. Denki internally sighed but kept the blinding fake smile on his face, ever since Shinsou switched out with mineta he sat by kaminari even if he didn't want to.
"Hey shinsou" denki said sitting by shinsou, Shinsou sighed annoyingly. Denki furred his eyebrows he could tell shinsou was truly annoyed by his presence, maybe he was having a bad day! Or maybe it was just because he got annoyed with denki's shit. Everyone always got annoyed with denki, Denki shook his head getting rid of those self degrading thoughts.Shinsou seemed to untense when denki stopped talking to him, 'what the hell did I do' Denki thought as he focused on his desk trying to keep his self together.
"Hey shinsou" someone said, denki looked up to see ojiro with a dazzling smile waving at shinsou. Shinsou didn't smile but he waved back, but that little gesture made denki even sadder. He would get an eye roll or maybe a tired out sigh from shinsou, ojiro seemed to brightened at that and take it as a chance to start up a conversation with shinsou. Denki heart dropped 'maybe it's true, now one wants to be around me' denki thought as he tried to drown out the conversations going around him.

Izuku walked into the classroom with todoroki a smile on his face. "I'm telling you izuku it is a crime to eat hot soba" todoroki said and izuku chuckled "shoto that's is your opinion have you ever tried hot soba before" izuku asked but todoroki shoulders sagged " I don't need to to know that probably sucks" todoroki said and izuku smiled at the boy.

No one really knows this but todoroki and izuku has been in a relationship this whole time, there was no reason why they kept it a secret. Hell it was barely hidden that they did date, it was probably that his classmates were to busy with their own lives to be worried about them. Izuku eyes swept over the classroom landing on the usual happy blonde haired boy. But izuku knew better he knew denki his a lot of stuff under his smile. Denki sat on kirishima desk while the rest of his friends, he talked not sparring a glance towards him.
But still the smile never left his face, izuku stared at denki at times this was the only smile he has ever seen denki do. It almost looked normal, if denki eyes wasn't full of sadness right now then izuku would have dropped it. But he could tell denki was gonna break any second now. Izuku frowned but made his way to his seat. Deciding he would talk to denki at lunch.
That plan seem to backfire seeing as izuku was standing in front of allmight, izuku could somehow feel the disappointment radiating off him and anxiety was starting to building up. "You wanted to see me allmight" izuku asked and allmight sighed "my boy" allmight started in a low sad tone and izuku held his breathe, "I know you are your best to control OFA but right now it isn't enough midoriya it isn't enough, I'm saying this because anything could happen at the moment and you probably won't be able to handle boy I really need progress and if I don't se sit I might just need to take OFA away from you" allmight said avoiding eye contact with izuku. Who's heart dropped in his stomach, dread, sadness, self loathing all flooded izuku at once.
Tears filled his eyes but he refused to cry, " yes all might I understand" izuku said as he pulled his backpack up. As soon as izuku took that as a sign that the conversation was over he left immediately.

Why couldn't he do right
This was is only chance to become a hero
His only chance to be someone
And yet he fucked this up
He always fucked up
Like a deku he is
Izuku quickly texted todoroki to tell him he wasn't going to lunch. Instead he went somewhere more comforting, the rooftop. Izuku ran like the wind up to the roof, he knew that was the only place he could cry right now. As soon as he stepped out on the rooftop something caught his eyes, a blonde figure leaning against the bars tear lines proving he has been crying a bit.
Izuku should have but shouldn't have expected this, he caught eyes with denki. Denki let out a bitter laugh "wanna talk" denki asked and izuku pulled on a watery smile.

Hey people who reads this- I hope you enjoyed this chapter I honestly don't know what to think about this chapter but I will have another
One out either one okay or tomorrow.

Im out,~~~~~~❤️

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