His house

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When we got to his house my mouth dropped. Not only was it beautiful, but I saw Gabriel. (Gabe). Truth was I always found him very handsome, not gonna lie. He was watching something and when I tried looking to see what it was. Nathan covered my eyes with his arm. I don't think it was intentional, but what do I know? He gave me a tour of the place. It was SO cool! Then he looks at his watch. "12:00, well I guess it is time for lunch!", he says excitedly. Yes, I think. I have not eaten anything all day! He goes to the kitchen. I follow. "Ah, Mr. Unspeakable", I hear a familiar voice say in an accent. (Probably French). I look up. I don't know what I was thinking, but I stepped behind Nathan. I know it was just Gabe. I was the center of attention for everyone in the room. "And Miss.-", he stops mid sentence. "What is your name?". "Y/N", I said. I lean into Nathan's thigh. Nathan puts a hand on my back and rubs it. I feel nerves forming in my stomach. "Well, Mr. Unspeakable and Miss. Y/N what would like?", he said in that (super realistic) French accent of his. I shrug my shoulders. "Water burger", Nathan yells at Gabe, almost as if he were to be a slave. "Do you want that Y/N", Nathan asked. I nod. I haven't had fast food for at least a year. "Alright, I will be back, with your orders.", Gabe says, meanwhile cutting the French Accent. He leaves the house. I go to Nathan and say, "Nathan, why do you treat him like a slave?", I say, just wondering. "Slave, slave! I don't treat Gabe like a slave! Why would I treat him like a slave? Besides, I pay him good money for what he does!", he replies to my question. "Oh, but, is he spending his own money on lunch, or is it yours?", I say, still buzzing with questions. "Why would he spend MY money, on my own lunch.", he says, then immediately realizes why. "I will PayPal him!", he says and pulls out his phone. I smile. I sit down on a barstool and wait for lunch.

Chapter: 2
Word Count: 385

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