Way Back Then

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You see...

I knew what this memory was. In fact, it was when I first met Preston. We had just met in chemistry when being paired up as partners. And... well.. it is easier to just... I don't know... have a flashback of my own?


I was walking to Chemistry Class. I was the new kid. I had just moved here about a week ago. As I walk in to the Chemistry Room, I see an extremely hot boy. He was sitting at a table by himself. I take a deep breath and go up to the teacher. "Are you Brianna?", she asks me. I nod my head. "Ok", she replies. "Class. Your attention please.", she says. It doesn't get the class's attention. "Class! Your attention please!", she says a bit louder. Still doesn't get their attention. "CLASS!!! YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE!!!", she yells this time. Finally, the room goes silent. Everyone looks at the teacher. "Very good.", she starts. "Today, ladies and gentlemen, we have a new student. Please welcome, Brianna.", she announces to the class. Everyone looks at me, including that hot boy. "Preston, please show Brianna where to sit.", the teacher tells a boy. "Oh and by the way, I am Mrs. Carbon", Mrs. carbon introduces herself to me. "Okay, nice to meet you Mrs. Carbon", I reply. "This is Preston", she says meanwhile pointing at the hot boy. Preston comes over to me. "Hi Brianna. I believe you are sitting next to me", Preston says. My heart does a small flutter thing. Sitting next to the hot boy! He takes me to the back of the room, where he sat. He takes a seat. I sit in the stool next to him. As the lesson goes on, all I could do was watch Preston. Obviously, I did have to answer questions and all, but when we were supposed to be copying notes, I wold write them as fast as possible, so I could look at Preston. Finally, I hear the bell ring. I grab my book and walk out into the hallway. I go to my locker. As I turn around, I see Preston walking through the halls to his locker. He was looking my way. I smile at him. He turns away to, for at least what I think, hide his blush. There was a small group of boys from Chemistry class coming my way. I believed their names were Harold, Kyle, Prince, and Junior. They approach me and for no particular reason start to bully me. I see Preston looking my way and then he starts to run towards me. A small ringing sound came from somewhere. After only a couple of seconds of running Preston is a few feet away. As Harold starts to throw his fist at me, Preston comes in the way. He pushes Harold. Harold pushes Preston back. Preston punches him in the stomach. And then Harold starts to beat him up.

End of Flashback...

Well, now that you know what happened in my perspective, you now know, this is when we met and how exactly. And when I fell for him and he fell for me. I look at Preston. He never changed, he always was just as hot as he is now. "Are you alright?", I ask him. "I - I mean, sort of, but... I do feel a little nauseous.", he replies.


I was standing next to Gabe. I wasn't completely sure what had happened to Preston. I look up at Gabe. He was looking at Nathan. From the faces they were making at each other, it seemed like they were having a silent conversation. I look at James, who looked just as confused as I did. Finally, James breaks the silence. "Does anyone know what happened to Preston?", he asks. I shake my head, just like everyone else. I hear footsteps leading to the room we were in. Bri walks in. "Alright, Bri... What happened to Preston?", James asks her almost immediately. "Well...", Bri starts. "Preston heard this noise and - and, he had a flashback", Bri continues. "Of what?", Nathan asks. "It was from back in high school. I was getting bullied. And there was a whole bunch of that annoying sound that Preston was talking about", Bri answers. "What does it sound like?", Gabe asks. "He said it sounded something like a doorbell, but much more annoying.", Bri replies. "Has it ever happened before?", I ask. "No, not that I can remember, at least.", Bri answers, meanwhile shaking her head. There was a small moment of silence. I look around. Nathan had a thinking face on. James had a worried face on. Gabe had a face almost like Nathan's, but a little less serious. Finally, Bri had an extremely concerned face, that told all of us what she was feeling. I couldn't quite tell what face I had on, but it had to be something. I go back to looking at my hands. I do a thing I do when I am worried. Bri sighs. "I hope he is alright", Bri says. I nod my head. So does Nathan, Gabe, and James. Everyone was worried.

Nathan's POV
I look over to Bri again. Nothing had changed about her expression. Just pure concern. The room was in utter silence. I always hated it this way. This was never what I was used to. I was always used to noise, and adventure. "I hope he is alright", Bri suddenly says, breaking the silence. Y/N, James, Gabe, and I all nod our heads.

James's POV
So many thoughts were flowing through my brain right now. Too many for one to count. All I was thinking about was how bad of a condition Preston might be in right now. "I hope he is alright", says Bri out of no where. Everyone in the room nods their heads.

Gabe's POV
I couldn't concentrate on anything. I was too worried about Preston. "I hope he is alright", Bri says. I nod my head along with everyone else in the room. That flashback he had, I think I was in it, now that I think of it. Somewhere in the corner, but in it...

Chapter: 19
Word Count: 1072

If you want to know if Gabe was actually in it, then make sure to comment on this paragraph, something. Anything. Basically, just anything. Hope y'all enjoyed! Have a good day/night!

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