Emergency Meeting!

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"It's Dad N", Y/N replies. I jump out of bed only to find myself in excruciating pain. I hop back on the bed and hold my foot. Y/N laughs. A somewhat familiar laugh comes from behind the door. "NATHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", I yell at him. "Yeah Gabe?", he asks as if he was not there the whole time. "WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME?!?", I yell and ask him at the same time. He giggles. "UGH WHY ARE YOU SO DIFFICULT?!?", I once again yell. "I am who I am", Nathan says. "And I am not your employee!", I inform him. "What are you talking about?!?", he asks. He was getting super worried. He actually....




The facts...

He has to actually care for me though. "I quit!", I yell. Just as I began walking out the door, I feel someone hold my leg. "GET OFF OF ME!!!", I yell at Y/N. She gets off and begins to cry. I couldn't care right now. She was in on this. I don't care! I don't care! I don't care!, my brain tries to comfort me. "Gabe please", Nathan says. I continue to walk out the door. Nathan comes in front of the door. I try to push him away. "Gabe, please don't leave", he said. I push him out of the way. "YOU OBVIOUSLY DON'T CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", I reply as I begin to get into my car. "I DO", Nathan yells back. "Please don't leave!", Y/N says. I start to put the key into the car. The car starts and I put on my seatbelt and drive away. As I was leaving, I saw Nathan get into a car. I couldn't care less about my job now. Now that I know what he truly wants to do to me, I could never forgive him.

James's POV
I see Gabe get into a car. So does Nathan. Where were they going without me? I could see through the window that Gabe had an extremely annoyed face on. Poor guy. And then there was Nathan. He ha-

Wait what? He had a concerned face on. What did he do to Gabe this time? Is Gabe quitting?!? Oh no! Please don't quit, Gabe! Please don't quit!

Nathan's POV
I get into my car and drive after Gabe. Y/N was in the passenger seat. I follow Gabe's car. I don't know where he is going, but he was definitely not going to tell me. I find myself sitting next to Gabe's car at a red light. Gabe was refusing to look my way. I really didn't want him to quit. He was one of my best employees. The light changed to green and Gabe continues to drive. I drive after him. There was no high speed chase, we followed all the laws. No speeding, stop at red lights, all way stop at stop signs, etc. "Dad N...", Y/N starts. "Yes?", I ask. "What if Gabe actually quits?", she asks me. "We will get him back, don't worry. No matter what he does we will.", I reply.

James's POV
I was in my car driving right beside Nathan. I had my window open and so did Nathan. "Dad N...", I hear Y/N asks Nathan. Apparently that was her new name for him now. "Yes?", Nathan replies. "What if Gabe actually quits?", I barely make out Y/N saying. "We will get him back, don't worry. No matter what he does.", Nathan responds. He had a somewhat soothing courage in his voice. His voice gave off good vibes. A vibe that felt like a dream right about now. He had no idea of what Gabe was actually going to do. But then again, I had no idea of what Nathan was actually going to do. If Gabe does quit, then Nathan might offer a raise. He also might offer a higher position. He might offer him more off days or as we called them "Sick Days". "You sure",
Y/N's voice asks. "As I already said, we will get him back don't you worry...", Nathan's voice drifts off at the last few words as he drives ahead of me. Once again, his tone of voice was calming. It told you that everything was going to be alright. It also said that he'll figure things out. This tone of voice didn't quite describe Nathan. Actually, quite the opposite. Nathan was an adventurous person. He never really calmed people. Maybe have them a laugh or two, but never had that tone of voice. That tone had bought a side of Nathan - I have never seen - to the world. It calmed me more and more as I thought about it. I still focused on the road, but the whole time the words were echoing over and over again in my brain. I couldn't get it out of my head. It was so soothing. Before I realized it, I was parked next to Gabe with Nathan behind his car. Gabe gets out. Nathan and I do as well. Gabe and I look right at each other. He looks away immediately. He seemed to be hiding a small blush. I look at Nathan. He had a small frown on his face representing his sadness. Gabe had on a similar expression. Gabe's face held a more depressed expression though. Gabe sighed. Poor man. Nathan was ruining his life. "Gabe", Nathan says in an extremely calm fashion. "Yes?", Gabe mumbles. "Why are you quitting?", Nathan asks in a calm tone. "Because you treat me bad and don't care about me", Gabe replies with zero hesitation. I would hesitate to say that. Especially with Nathan being extremely nice with him. Nathan gave him a larger frown. Gabe probably didn't care. "Gabe please stay!", Nathan says. "no you don't care about me!", Gabe informed Nathan. "I do!", Nathan defends. He hadn't used an angry tone yet. The whole time it was that soothing tone that said everything will be alright. It said Gabe we care. It said Life might be rough, but we will get over it one step at a time.

Chapter: 17
Word Count: 1065

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