Quiet At Last... Or Not

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A week later...

One drop after another fall from the sky. It was raining, but just a little. I was sitting in a chair, covered with a blanket. I was staring out the window. It was very peaceful and quiet. For once I didn't have to worry about filming videos and things like that. I just sat there, very cal-. "Y/N guess what?", Nathan interrupts my trance of thought. "What?", I ask not taking my eyes off of outside. "We shaved out heads!", Nathan says excitedly. "What?!?", I almost yell as I turn around. Everyone stood there bald. Well, that is everyone except Gabe. He had half his hair shaved off. I point to him and laugh slightly. "Oh yeah, Gabe you are not getting away with that!", Nathan informs him. Nathan pushes Gabe into the bathroom. "Ow", Gabe whines. "Shave your head!", Nathan begins to chant. "Shave your head! Shave your head! Shave your head!", Cedric, James, and Jordan begin to join in. So much for my peaceful and quiet day. "I'm doing it!", Gabe replies. They continue to chant, meanwhile I just stare at them in awe. They actually shaved their heads?!? Why? When? Did a fan want this?, my brain begins to fill with questions and conclusions. Until I settle on one conclusion that sounded like Nathan. He wanted (and needed) content  for his channel and this was the only thing that came to mind. Yep, that sounded about right. A couple seconds later, Gabe comes out. He was now completely bald, just like everyone else in the room. That is everyone except me. Do I have to do it too?, my brain asks. Luckily Nathan changed the subject. "So, we are going to.. oh wait that is a surprise. Silly me. Pack your bags though!". Nathan announces. "How long are we going to be away again?", Gabe asks and from the face I got from Nathan, I could tell he asked it way too many times already. "A week.", Nathan says sternly. "Oh and also, why exactly are we going? I forgot.", James adds. Nathan then makes that face again as he gives James and Gabe both death stares. "To. Collab. With. Carter.", he informs them. "Ooooooh. Yeah.... I totally forgot!", James comments. I mentally face palm myself. Nathan physically face palms himself though. "So... um... did y'all film yourselves shaving your heads?", I slowly asks them. "Yeah! We already posted it on the Behind The Scenes channel (Unspeakable 2. 0.)", Nathan informs me. "Oh, cool! I'll go check it out now!", I reply. I run upstairs to the new laptop Nathan had gotten me. I immediately pull up his channel. I see Nathan's latest post. The title read: We All Went Bald

If I was a fan (and not their adopted daughter) then I would of guessed that they were kidding. But after only watching around the first fifteen seconds I would have then realized that they weren't kidding. They did go bald. They did shave their heads.

As I was watching I heard screams outside and a loud, roaring engine. After I finished watching the video, I heard from downstairs them talking a bit. Apparently they had just filmed a little more and added it on as I was watching. If that even is possible. "Y/N! It is time for dinner!", I hear Nathan yell from the bottom of the steps. "Coming!", I respond. I turn off the computer and walk downstairs. I enter the dining room to see Chick-fil-a sitting on the table. They hand me my favorite sandwich and a soda. (You can substitute these for whatever you like. If you don't drink soda, then you can substitute it for water or just a beverage you like) I take my time eating as everyone around me begins passing around video ideas. Their voices to me though was just background noise. All I could focus on was the way they all looked. Nathan didn't look any different with his hat on. James looked - to me at least - like a basketball player. I really didn't know why. Gabe looked extremely different. In fact, he was actually wearing a hat. Which he never did before. Finally, Jordan looked especially weird. He had left about an hour ago to visit his girlfriend (who went absolutely ballistic when she saw him). Cedric, however, was the only person here that didn't shave their head (discussing me at least). I excuse myself from the table and clean up as I finish eating. "Dad N, I'm going to take a shower and then go to bed", I inform Nathan. "Ok, good night, Y/N", he replies. "Good night", I reply as I walk up the stairs. I make my way into my bedroom and then to my bathroom. I get into the shower.

Then skip (after the shower)...

I get out of the shower and put on some pajamas. I get into bed and turn off the light. I slowly drift off into a deep sleep. I hear a loud noise coming from outside all of a sudden. I sat up in bed. I didn't like the way this was going. After five minutes there was utter silence. I attempt to go back to sleep. And I was successful.

Gabe's POV
I stood by Y/N's door with James on my right. Our precise instruction was to make sure Y/N did not wake up. So far we were doing a good job. I hear another bang. Then I hear stirring from the bedroom. After around five minutes the stirring had stopped. Another large bang, but this time there was no stirring. "Mission complete", James says as he puts up a hand. I give him a high five. We tip-toe away from the door and go back downstairs. Tomorrow Y/N was going to have the best day of her life.

Chapter: 21
Word Count: 1052

Hey guys! I am so sorry I haven't posted recently! It has been quite a while. I have been having problems with coming up with ideas. So feel free to Dm me or comment any ideas! That would help quite a lot. Oh and finally, thank y'all so much for 1000 views! Have an amazing day/night y'all!

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