Minecraft and Mooses

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So,  today I woke up with the greatest alarm ever. Wanna know what it was? NATHAN SCREAMING AT GEORGE FOR GEORGE KILLING HIM IN MINECRAFT!!! I couldn't get back to bed. All I heard was Nathan screaming. Y/N walks into my room, probably because my room was closest to hers. "Gabe?", she asks. "Yeah", I reply. "Why is he screaming?", she asks. "Moose killed him", I replied, calling George, Moose, because she didn't know his real name. "Oh", she said. "I am hungry", she claims. "I will make breakfast, give me a sec.", I say. She nods and walks out. I get out of bed and get changed. After doing so, I go downstairs to see James waiting for something and Y/N covering her ears. Nathan started screaming louder now because Moose blew up his brand new Minecraft house. "MOOSE, WHAT THE FLIP BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", he yells. I start making breakfast and just ignore him. "Breakfast is served", I say with a French accent, when I finished making the food. It was just some pancakes, but whatever! Everyone was still hungry after breakfast, and Nathan was still screaming. I made some more pancakes and we ate them all. No one was hungry after though, so that was good. Nathan came out of the room he had been filming in. "Gabe make me some breakfast will ya?", he asks me. I nod. I also made Moose breakfast cause I knew he still hadn't eaten anything yet. I made more pancakes (my special) and left them on two separate plates on the kitchen table. I sit down while waiting for them. I take out my phone and search YouTube. Bri posted something. So did Preston. I watched them. By the time I was done, Nathan came back with Moose. They sat at the barstools by the table. They immediately started eating. They ate with their hands. I go to get two forks and two knives from the drawer and hand it to them. "What are those?", Moose asks with a mouth full of pancakes. "Forks need knives", I reply. "Oh", he says taking it. Nathan takes one each too. "Use the 'fork' Luke. Use the 'fork'", James jokes. He earns a laugh from me and Y/N. I was pretty sure he was trying to say 'force', but instead said 'fork'. "Tame the power!", Cedric says, continuing the joke. "Own the power", I say. "BE THE POWER", Jordan yells. "What?", I ask. "Be the power", he replies. "Woah.... genius", I say. Everyone was laughing by now. I hear someone say "We are the................................. POWER". "Who said that?", Y/N asked. "I did", I hear a voice much like Preston's say. I look towards the door and see Preston standing there. "Hi Preston", I say. "Hi people!", he said. "Hi Preston", everyone said in perfect harmony. Almost as if we rehearsed it.

"We are the........................... POWER", I hear someone say. "Who said that?", I ask. "I did", a familiar voice said. It sorted of sounded like PrestonPlayz. "Hi Preston", Gabe says. "Hi people", Preston replies. "Hi Preston", everyone except Gabe says in a perfect chorus. "You hear all that?", Nathan laughs. "Yep", Preston replies to Nathan's question. "Nice place", he says. "Thanks", Nathan replies. "So this is your new daughter?", he asks meanwhile nodding his head at me. "Yep! Her name is Y/N", Nathan introduces me. Preston came over to me and asked, "what do you like to do in your spare time?". "Play Minecraft", I reply. "GOOD ANSWER", Nathan yells. I giggle. "Don't we all?", Moose asked. "James and I don't", Gabe said. "We can't be friends", Moose said. Gabe pouted and tugged James arm, meaning to follow him. They left the room. "I didn't mean literally!", Moose yelled at them. "Yeah right!", James says in a weird voice. I hear them fake cry. "Babies", Nathan mumbles. "Hey we heard that!", James replies. "Hay is for horses!", Nathan replies. We all laugh and James makes a horse sound. Gabe joined in with James. They continue to do it, they actually weren't that bad!

Four hours later, Preston's sister (Keeley) and wife (Bri) are here now...

"So you any good at singing?", Keeley asks me. "A little, why?", I ask. "Well before I tell you, sing me something", she replies. "Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, blowing in the wind, never coming back?", I sing. "Pretty good", she comments. "So why did you want me to sing?", I ask. "I have a new album", she said and then a few moments later, said "and I need another person to help me sing it.". "Will you do it?", she asked me. "Of course!", I say. "Alright! Follow me!", she says as she begins to go to the guest bedroom. I follow her. She showed me her laptop. It had Microsoft Word pulled up. On the page it read:

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