M***e = Moose

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She seemed like a huge fan. "Yep the Moose", I reply. She was obviously extremely shocked. "Who is it?", I hear Nathan ask again. "He says his name is Moose", she replies. "Wait Moose is here, let him in", Nathan yelled down. "Come on in", she said. I enter the house and close the door behind me. "So what is your name?", I ask her. I had gotten a text from Nathan saying he adopted a child. This was probably who he was talking about. "I am Y/N", she said. "Pretty name", I reply. Y/N was a pretty cool name. I sit on the couch as I wait for Nathan. Someone walk in front of me. I look up to see their face. It was Nathan. "You comfy?", he asks sarcastically. I nod, "Isn't it obvious", I say and manage to get a smirk out of him.  Someone sits to my left. Nathan sits on my right. I look to my left and see James. Just on his phone. He looks up and realizes I am giving him a face. "Hi Moose, how have you been?", he asked me. "Hi James, I have been great, you", I say. Ghetto nods his head. "I don't know if that is an answer or not, but I like it", I say. He laughs, "life's been great", he said. "Good, good", I say. I see Y/N go into a room, that I guessed had Gabe in. "I saw that message you sent Preston", I blurted. "Which one?", Nathan asks, concerned if I saw one for a surprise probably. I was never to be trusted. "The one about you hitting Gabe in the face. It true?", I say. "Oh yeah, I did do that. If you want you can go to that room over there to see him", he said meanwhile pointing to the room Y/N entered. "Okay see ya soon", I say. "See ya", Nathan replies. I get off the couch and go to the room Nathan's daughter entered. I saw Gabe on a small little couch there, sitting next to him was Y/N. Y/N seemed to be showing him something. Gabe seemed pretty interested. I go over. "Hi y'all", I say. They look up. "Hi Moose", Gabe says. He had a black eye. "How've it been?", I ask. "Brilliant", Gabe says sarcastically. "Why are you such a jokester?", I ask him. He laughs. Y/N just sat there quietly. Both my and Gabe's attention were on her. Both of us knowing, but she didn't. I gave Gabe a look saying "Comfort her", he nodded. He whispered something into her ear. She giggled then nodded.

Gabe and Moose were chatting. I was in my own world until Gabe whispered something into my ear. He said "Talk to him, he is not going to eat you". I giggled then I nodded. Gabe left the room. My gaze still following. I looked at Moose. Moose looked at me. "So you like it here", Moose asked. I nod my head. "Who is the nicest?", he asked me. "Gabe and James are tied", I reply. He nods. "Who is the funniest?", He asks. "James", I say. "Who is the rudest?", Moose says. "Nath-. Um.", I said. He laughed. "To you", He says. "They are all great to me, but Nathan is rude to Gabe and James.", I say. He nods. "Who is the coolest?", He ask. "Gabe", I said. "Final one, who is the weirdest?", he asked. "James", I replies. "Obvious isn't it", he says sarcastically. She nods. Gabe walks back in with a mug full of coffee in his hand. "Here", he says as he hands Moose the mug. "Thank you", he say. Gabe nods. I get off the couch. Gabe looks at me. I go to his leg and hug it. I did that with only him and Nathan, when I was shy. "What? Did he bite you?", Gabe ask, without a hint of sarcasm in his voice. I laugh. Moose was stunned that I was holding Gabe's leg. Gabe whispered something in his ear. Moose nodded and looked at his feet. "Why are you scared of him? He is just like me a human.", Gabe said. I nod. "Your a quote making human!", Moose said. Gabe gave him a questioning face. "That quote you made : 'For someone's troubles, give. For someone's hatred, love. For someone's hope, support.'", Moose said. (That quote was in my story Unspeakable Why? Which takes place before this. But only that quote has to do with this story). Gabe looks at his feet. "Is it true?", I ask him. He nods. "That is beautiful!", I say. "Yeah, but I don't want to be known for that.", Gabe says.

Gabe's POV
I told her it was true. And that I did not want to be known for it. "Why not", she asked. I just stood there thinking. There was one side of me that just didn't want it. And another that didn't want it for political things. I told her the second one just because it had a reasoning. She understood immediately that I did not want to because it would cause lots of political things. Moose sipped the coffee I gave him awfully loud. We all stare at him. He looks at me and then Y/N. "What?", he asks. I shake my head and Y/N laughed. "Oh", Moose said, realizing how loud he was. I hear someone yell "I am hungry, who wants dinner?". I look at Moose. He nods. "Hungry?", I ask Y/N. She nods. "Let's go eat. Come on.", I say. I start to go to the table. Y/N comes too and runs ahead. Moose puts the coffee down and follows. We go to the table and we were apparently having Chick-fil-a. I sure wasn't complaining, but Moose was. I just eat in silence, meanwhile everyone else was passing ideas for videos around. We finish dinner. Nathan goes to do something. I go to my room and lay on my bed. I just think about my life and eventually drift off into a deep sleep.

Chapter: 6
Word Count: 1036

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