The Cherry On Top

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"Wait this isn't my house!", I say with as little sarcasm as possible. "Yeah alright", Preston starts. "Were you the one pranking me?", he finishes. "No...", I say. He looks down and sees the ping pong balls on the floor that Gabe had put in the bucket. "NATHAN!!!", he yells. "Okay that was not me, that was Gabe", I reply. "GABE!!!", he yells. Gabe just sits there, staring at him. "WERE YOU THE ONE THAT DID THIS?!?", Preston yells/asks Gabe. "Sort of, Nathan told me to", he replied. "NATHAN!!!", Preston starts while giving me a death stare. "YOU GOT SODA ON MY FLOOR!!!", he yells at me. "Sort of, that was Y/N's idea", I say kind of mimicking Gabe. "Hey, it wasn't me!", Y/N yells in defense. The camera was rolling the whole time. We got all of it on film. Now to cause a little more drama. "We will leave, see you Preston", I say. "You better not mean you are seeing me again, today", he says with a stern face. "Okay, bye!", I say meanwhile already tugging on James (who was refusing to get up and leave). We exit the house. "Follow me", I whisper. So they do. I enter the backyard with them close behind. I turn to the camera (which was still on). "Alright guys, time for the final prank, the cherry on top", I say. We grab the kool-aid mix out. We start pouring it into the pool. Poor Preston. He would have to drain the pool and fill it back up, to clean this up. After ten minutes of opening and pouring kool-aid packets, we have a completely red pool. "We are done now so we are going to hide a go-pro and scram.", I say to the camera. I give the go-pro to James (because he is the tallest) to put on a ledge. I couldn't see the go-pro at all, so I would take that as a good sign. We scram and hop in the car and lock the doors. I look at the phone that showed what the go-pro was looking at. I put the phone into screen recording so we can out into the video. There was a perfect view of the whole backyard. All of sudden Brianna walks outside. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh", she screams. I snicker. "What happened Babe?", Preston asks. "Come here", she replies. "Okay give me a second", he says as we hear thuds from him running. After some time he gets there. "What's up Babe?", he asks. "Can you look at the pool please?", she asks him. "Sure!", he starts in a happy tone. "I don't se-", he starts. "WHAT HAPPENED?!?", he yells. Y/N was laughing a lot! Gabe was obviously trying to hold back from laughing! And James had fallen asleep! "I don't know, oh wait... Nathan", Bri replies. "They have figured us out, run for it!", I yell to wake James up. He starts driving. Then I get a phone call. "Hello", I say. "Nathan I see your ear", Preston says. "Oh sorry, I thought this was just a phone call", I say. I show me in the car and I could tell that he couldn't see his house in the frame. "Where are you?", he asks me. "By the big eye", I say knowing he knew that was far away from his house. "Okay meet you there", he said. "Oka-", I start as he hangs up. "James new location", I say. "Where to", he asks. "The big eye", I reply. "Okay, it should take around five minutes", he said. "Okay good, thanks.", I say. I was trying to practice being nice to my employees... oh wait, not employees, friends. I slump in my chair. Then I realize I was in a car and that is not safe, so I sit back up. I take out my phone and see that we were on,y a minute away from the big eye. Wow thoughts take longer then I thought, I think. We pull up to the little park. Me and Gabe get out (because Gabe was going to get in trouble for putting the bucket on the bathroom door without me telling him to) and we walk over to the eye. I take out my phone and text Preston.

N Hey Preston I am at the big eyeball thingy. Whenever you want you can come.

P Okay

I look at Gabe. He looks at me (with scared eyes). "Why would you put that bucket on the bathroom door?", I ask. "You told me to", he says, breaking the eye contact. He seemed to be disappointed in himself. "I did not tell you to", I say, trying so hard not to yell (as I said before I am trying to be rude to my employees). "Sorry", Gabe mumbles. I hear some one yell my name. "Saved by the Preston", I say. Gabe holds back from laughing. "Preston, over here", I say. He comes over with a face that said it all. "Nathan", he starts. "I know, I am a really bad friend for putting soda on your floor", I say. Yes, we have had this conversation before, but with water. "No. Nathan, next time tell me if you are coming! You know, now Bri is not talking to me, because I blamed her.", Preston yells. "And for you Gabe, you should be ashamed to work for him, and I heard Nathan tell you he didn't tell you to do it! I thought we were friends. I guess we are not", Preston yells in Gabe's face. Gabe runs away with his head in his hands. "You know Preston, you should be ashamed that you just yelled at MY employee", I yell him. He takes a deep breath. I run after Gabe. We enter the car and tell James to drive home. Gabe had stopped crying all ready. "I think your a great employee", I whisper into his ear. He smiled. I go onto my phone and starts texting and just in general doing things. I was happy with myself. Today was a good day.

Chapter: 10
Word Count: 1031

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