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After lunch we went to the moat. We rode jet skis and drove boats. We had done so for so long that it started getting dark. "Ready for bed", Unspeakable said. I nod my head. I was exhausted. "I am", I say. Because I knew he didn't hear me nod. He starts walking and holds his hand out as if waiting for me to hold it. I grab it. We walk for five minutes before reaching my new room. It was sick. There was a wardrobe full of merch. A bed decorated with Y/F/A (Your favorite animal). It also had its own bathroom. It had a porch as well. I hop in bed. "Good night, Y/N", Nathan says. "Good night, Nathan", I reply. Nathan leaves the room. I lay there thinking about tomorrow. Will it be good or bad? Horrible or brilliant? I won't know until tomorrow. Tomorrow is always a mystery. Only way to find out is to sleep.

I keep trying. Sleep won't come over my body. I decide to wait another five minutes before I go to Nathan. Two minutes later I fall asleep. Hope tomorrow is great.

Happy Easter y'all (or if you are Jewish, Happy Late Passover)! This is my gift to you. Hope y'all like this story. I am getting more support than I thought I would, so therefore I am going to post more often! Have a great day/night y'all!!!

Chapter: 3
Word Count: 246

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